I am needing 2-3 families a month and these sessions will last most likely up to 30 minutes or longer. Given that these are content sessions they are deeply discounted at $175+tax instead of the normal $550 for my 30 minute Your Story sessions. These families will also have a fun advantage of getting some unique locations and ideas.
Due to the amount of planning that will go with this year's content sessions I am wanting to hopefully get these squared away so planning and styling can begin!! For some examples are 
-sunset parking garage
-Lake Red Rocks
- ice cream shop
-Iowa state fair
 -VW bug
- greenhouses
-Baby Farm animals
 and so much more. 
These sessions will be heavily focused on storytelling, little to no posing, connections, playing with full wardrobe guidance. 
30 minute session
only 2-3 families I will take each month
includes 15 images for download with option to purchase more.
Because I know how hard it can be to schedule to far out with kiddos schedules I just need to get the commitment now and we can nail down date and time as your choice month approaches. 
To grab a spot head above, pick your month the 8:00am time and I will be in touch with further details. These are going to be incredible and I can't thank you enough for being apart of this journey! 
SO excited for another year to grow, learn and teach!