edition 13
Dear friend,
This month we are focusing on FRIENDSHIP. Love in all forms is a beautiful gift, but we believe the impact of quality friendships in helping to challenge and shape our lives is invaluable.
We have so many things to be excited about this month. The relationships we have built with those in our local artist community are what keep us excited about what we do.
a few things highlighted this month:
  1. House of Hatters just launched their build-your-own-hat bar in our shop. We have worked together for years, and we are so excited to have them on 4th Ave. with us. Our newsletter is a little late going out today because we were getting the shop ready for the launch party tonight. More to come on this soon!
  2. We have recently partnered up with the beautiful Rylin from Rylin Noelle photography to explore some creative photography shoots. This month, we did a friendship-themed shoot at the Mercado San Agustin. We are so happy to feature her photos in this newsletter!
  3. We got to create exclusive candles and scents for several brands, including ELATE REALTY. We love partnering with your business to elevate and expand together. Contact us if you are interested in learning more about how we can do this for you!
rewritten monthly focus
Our REWRITTEN focus this month is on the beauty of friendship, with a workshop on Saturday “The Aroma of Friendship”. Learn to make a room perfume with us, and share it as a gift for your galentine or valentine. Last chance to sign up for this is tomorrow! Tickets are available on our website.
Don’t forget to sign up for next month’s spring floral workshop! We will be teaching some of our tips and tricks, and you will walk home with your own arrangement!
a reflection on friendship

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You often hear that if you can count your greatest friends on one hand, you have all that you need. In this time and place in my life, I believe that. We can swim in networks of people, beautiful communities of families, and truly enjoy one another. However, finding and keeping these precious souls can be a rare experience. One of my favorite proverbs says "A friend loves at all times".  You truly have found a golden treasure if this is your experience with another human soul, because the ones that walk away simply couldn't see you.
As we walk into February, join us as we celebrate life's most precious gift: each other. I believe relationships are everything and they all vary. My favorite part of my friendships is sharpening one another in the loving truth for growth and freedown.  Carrying each other's burdens, and building each other up to rise to new heights.
Although, I am guilty of being entangled in the wrong friendships, I have learned that the genuine and lasting ones are often the ones we don't' seek out. It's the ones we intersect with in different moments or seasons. It's the friends that see you and are for you, in spite of all the things they may encounter. I was taught that we attract where we are at, and that we really cannot give what we don't have. Therefore, if you are struggling with having or keeping a friend, I would encourage you to dig deep.  Take a look inside your mind and heart to discern what you are bringing to and discussing at the table. Doing the work is the hard part, but that's where the true reward is.
Join us as we dive into February, celebrating friendship and love. Can't wait to see you at the shop or in class!
Kimberly Neal
what it takes to foster lasting friendships…
If you’ve watched “Parks and Rec,” then you’re probably familiar with Leslie Knopes iconic Galentine’s Day celebration. She gets together with her gal pals and gives extravagant gifts all in the name of friendship. The older I get, the more I become like Leslie Knope. The friends who are with me in life are my people through and through and my aim is to love them well and create space for authentic friendship to flourish.
How do we do that? How do we honor our friends and invite them to be fully known and loved? In my experience, it means I go first. I go first in sharing the realities of my world, sharing my needs, sharing my joys and my failures. I have found the older I get, the more I listen. Cultivating a listening posture takes a lot of work and intentionality but it has served me in my friendships and it’s proven worthwhile to create this kind of space. Pursuing friendship takes creativity because schedules and lives are brimming with movement. Sometimes it’s difficult because we’re insular and live as islands. Both scenarios are hard but we get to pick our hard. Everyday is an invitation to embrace friendship and balance how I nourish the relationships entrusted to me.
Fostering friendship looks vastly different throughout life’s seasons but when there is grace to ebb and flow, really special connections grow. Sometimes it’s hard to be fully present while wearing many hats but I’m learning that true friendship thrives in those spaces of vulnerability. It can challenging to be the one in need but offering that in friendship is powerful too. Friendship is powerful and can sharpen us in ways that we don’t necessarily seek out. My hope is that you find yourself flourishing as you go deeper in friendship and community because we weren’t created to walk alone. May you find and thrive in your tribe.
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we are so thankful for
the gift of you,