February with Friends
Me on the left with my big sister, Angela on my right
Going to start with the hard sentence first:
I was diagnosed with breast cancer on January 16, 2024.

Onto our regularly scheduled program… (for now)

February can be compared to one of those strange birthdays with a 1 in it. You don’t really know how to celebrate as it’s just past the big ‘0’ birthday and ‘The New Year’ and who knows where you are on the January scale of ‘damp’ or ‘dry’ or no ‘resolution’ at all…

So I decided that for our February at La Saison, I would bring it back to what matters most- time spent with those who put smiles on our faces like the one on mine in the pic above.

Our February menu is designed with friends in mind: A dinner party of sorts inspired by the great regions of France. All items can be made Vegetarian. They can be ordered a la carte or as a complete meal from starter to dessert. There is a special price for groups of 2, 4 and 6 ordering the entire menu for a small group. Click the link above or below to order and send an invite to your besties!

Also, a quick note to the handful of locals that have ordered something from our menu each month since we started this pop up, thank you. It means more than you realize. These monthly pop ups are an experiment and it requires local support.

Here is our February in France with Friends,
I mean, February at La Saison Menu (a gluten free menu):

Ham & Cheese Buckwheat Crepes

Half Moon Bay Petrale Sole en Papillote
Citrus White Wine Butter Sauce 
(includes cooking instructions to bake at home)

Liberty Farms Duck Cassoulet
Made with Rancho Gordo Beans
Garlic Sausage, Lunar Farms Root Vegetables
And Fines Herbes

Fennel Gratin with Point Reyes Toma Cheese

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

And for those dedicated to reading my newsletters, we are in a time of shock- all of us. It’s true isn’t it? Everyone is going through something. Everyone has a story that will bring you to your knees. It’s really important to remind ourselves of this truth this year: that no matter the news, choose light.

My word for 2024 is ‘experiment’ and that’s exactly what it will be.

Since my diagnosis, I have been flooded with this overwhelmingly clear life force energy pouring down from the top of my crown (head). The messages and connections are powerful and connect me back to my 8 year old self (one of the two most important people to make proud during this lifetime).

One of my experiments this year will be eating for my blood type- a concept first introduced to me in 1996 from my brilliant mom (Cici). 
Life is about growth and change.
I am excited for this journey, which I realize may sound strange.
I am a bit off track and this is my chance to hop back on with clarity and faith. I am a double Aries (Sun and Moon)- ‘Action’ is what I live for.
We create in direct correlation with the capacity we have to have faith in the unseen; to hold an energetic frequency of abundance with full trust in the universe. I know that I am sufficient and lacking in nothing and live in this field of abundance and am held. And so it is… Building my ‘team’ at UCSF thanks to my longest childhood friend Kyle- the power of sisterhood in action
Choose the light- it’s far brighter, reaches further and always provides warmth.
Natalie Niksa