There are different intensity levels to schadenfreude. In fact, there is a test that can be administered to rate your levels. What’s frightening is that people who score high on this test also score higher on the Dark Triad of personality traits (another widely studied topic). These traits include Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy.
Again, these are not words that you want associated with your name.
So, the next time you feel tempted to laugh or cheer when someone fails, that is the precise moment you need to catch yourself and think twice. Practice mindfulness by asking yourself why you’re doing it. Take inventory of your feelings. Are you feeling angry or jealous of that person? Are you doing it because of your own fears and insecurities?
Look, we are all on a journey to understand ourselves, but the only way to succeed in that journey is to be honest and self-aware.
And in that spirit of self-awareness and honesty, this is where I would love to hear from all of you. Just because there aren’t a lot of positive things being talked about in the news, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t good all around us.
Have you ever helped someone who failed? I want to hear about it!
Have you ever been helped by someone who didn’t laugh at your failure? I want to know how it made you feel!
We can learn to change our perspective (and help others do the same) by learning from other people’s experiences as much as our own.
Before I became the man I am today, I suffered from this too, but through meditation and mindfulness (and a lot of growth by learning through failure) I was able to overcome emotions like this which is why I’m talking about it today. You think being an entrepreneur is easy? It’s a process that is filled with failures when you first start out. I don’t know what jobs all of you have, but I’m sure they all have difficult aspects to them.
Bottom line is that it’s easy to fail, but it’s even easier to laugh at those who fail.
But people I associate with don’t take the easy way out. We do the right things, the right way, and encourage and support others to do the same.