Educating Jacob is my way of giving back and helping others who are struggling with autism/learning disabilities.
the moment my clients discover they can teach and set up their child for success—that's what drives me
Hi, thanks for signing up and giving me a chance to help you have better days and less chaos with your special needs child!
But before you do, I just want to acknowledge you because you just made the Bold decision that you're ready to stop feeling overwhelmed, fearful, and worried that you're not cut out to parent a learning-disabled child. You do not need a specialized degree to help your child and start having great days together.
I want you to start living your own life again, without feeling guilty, so you can be the parent your children need. Let's put a support system in place for yourself so that when you start feeling overwhelmed and alone, you have somewhere to turn. It's a pretty big deal because here's the truth: no one can parent, teach, and love that child the way you can!
As stated above you do not have to be a specialist, teacher, or speech therapist to have great days at home with your child learning and loving life.
Hi, my name is Melissa. I am a mother, Special Education Teacher, and advocate for learning-disabled students and Autism. Educating Jacob is my way of giving back and helping others who are struggling with autism/learning disabilities. Thanks for signing up for and downloading my ebook, “Scheduling 101 Class for Special Needs Children: Beyond the Chaos”.
I can give you some tips and strategies that will help you get started, and we can take this journey together.
So, I hope you enjoy the ebook that I made for you, and stay tuned for more to come.