Security Update & Call for Member Participation in Club Activities
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Dear MCSA Members,
I hope this message finds you well. I wish to inform you of a recent security incident that occurred last Saturday, 20 January, at Castle Gorge. Our patrolling team, in collaboration with the Armed Security Rangers, encountered three suspicious individuals near the Piranha Pools. These individuals were not hikers and quickly fled upon noticing the presence of our security team and a group of hikers.
This incident underscores the ongoing security challenges we face and the importance of remaining cautious and vigilant
Our Security Advisory dated 9 Jan 2024 remains in effect, and I urge you all to revisit the recommendations outlined in the MCSA General News Bulletin:
Stay vigilant.
Be on the lookout for any suspicious behaviour or individuals in the area.
Hike in large groups.
We strongly recommend hiking in well-organised groups of 10 or more.
Assess personal safety.
If you feel vulnerable or uneasy about visiting our properties, please consider postponing your plans.
Avoid overnight camping.
For the time being, we advise against overnight camping activities.
In light of these concerns, we are actively working to create safer environments for our members. To this end, we are planning more club weekend meets, providing opportunities for members to come together in larger, safer groups. These meets not only offer a chance to enjoy our beautiful properties but also serve as a proactive measure against potential security threats.
Meet Leaders: We are calling on members to volunteer as leaders for these weekend meets. This will include both hiking and climbing meets. Your leadership will be invaluable in organizing events and ensuring the safety and enjoyment of all participants.
Volunteer for Patrols: We also encourage members to volunteer for patrolling our properties in conjunction with trained professionals. Your contribution can make a significant difference in maintaining the security and integrity of our properties.
Your support is crucial to our community's safety and the success of these initiatives. Let's work together to ensure that we can frequent our properties in a secure and responsible manner.
For questions or to volunteer, please contact our administrator (link below). Your involvement is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.
Stay safe and united,
The Committee, Johannesburg Section

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This is the last call for contributions to the official 2023 journal of the Mountain Club of South Africa.
The Journal of the MCSA is an annual publication that serves as a record of the mountaineering-related activities of the Club's members. Each year, there are articles and illustrations focusing on the environment, the flora and fauna encountered in remote parts of our country and elsewhere, on search and rescue, and on the history, geology and archaeology of mountain areas. With this extensive range of content, the Journal is also an interesting, informative, entertaining and inspiring work, reflecting the spirit of adventure of the mountaineers and explorers of South Africa.
Guidelines, journal stylesheet, photo template and more documents about the journal can be downloaded from our website below:
If you have any questions, please send an email to 

Don't miss NEXT WEEK's talk!
Wednesday 31 January 2024 at 6:15pm for 7pm
at the MCSA Johannesburg Club House, Robin Scouts Hall (11 Oorbietjie Rd, Robin Hills, Randburg).
Snacks & refreshments will be served. 
RSVP required (link below)
If there are any members that would like to join but are unable to drive at night please let the administrator know so the club can arrange for carpooling.
Join the MCSA for this celebratory presentation delivered by Paul Fatti, who will recount the events of this iconic ascent, half a century later. The wicked 1,200m-long, 30-pitch direct line to the summit of Paine’s Central Tower was first climbed in 1973-74 by South Africans who summited in 32 days.


News & Reminders
Our last tidbits of admin and member updates!
Renew your commitment to the mountains by renewing your MCSA membership. Don't forget to pay your 2024 fees.
Every donation to the club, big or small, makes a difference. Your support in this crucial time will help us pay off our debts promptly and maintain a strong financial foundation. You can donate by transferring money via EFT with your annual membership fees, or you can donate through our web portal. Please consider a recurring payment, which will make a big difference over time.
It is not what the club can do for you, it is what YOU can do for the club.

Explore. Discover. Connect. Protect.
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Office Number:  061 461 8259 
Office Hours: Mon & Wed 15:00 - 20:00, Tues & Thurs 13:00 - 18:00, Fri 9:00 - 12:00