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Hi, friend!
Hello First name / friend,
So funny story, well more like a confession. 🤣 Our backyard is FULL of pine & evergreen trees which result in tons of pinecones. I have more pinecones than I could ever want! And I love to use them in my decor.
Well I was out shopping the other day and I found some very large sugar pinecones (different from mine) and they were super cool and unique and so… I bought them. I felt like a total dork buying pinecones when we have a million in our yard, but they were calling my name. 
I'll have to take a picture of them and share them in my Saturday email for you to see. All that to say, today's post is all about pinecones and how you can use them and how they are budget friendly. Ironic, I know! I hope you enjoy this post as much as I do.
Ready to sprinkle a bit of natural magic into your home? Let's dive into the enchanting world of pinecone decor together, First name / friend!

until next time, Have a great day!
xoxo, Kelly


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