You don't have to ride alone.

The sun sets on 2023 at SIS
Another year of deep impact
We are off to a running start with our very own Tom Bercher hosting a clinic at the new Circle T ranch!
Pete Spates has been teaching all of our volunteers and heroes so much in starting our 7 rescued colts and fillies.
Our incredible volunteers continue to make dreams happen at Circle T ranch as we expand in to our newest location.
Tax receipts for donations made in 2023 will be sent out by the end of January.

Join us for a few rounds 
on the course! 
Our family at Saddles In Service is getting so excited to host another fun day on the course at Singing Hills Golf Resort and we can't wait to see you there this year.
Early Bird pricing runs until February 10th.
Register now to secure your spot!
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Presented by:
 Lovey To My Tummy
Congratulations and thank you to our first Three Star Sponsor: 
Dirty Birds Bar and Grill!
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And congratulations and thank you to our Hole In One sponsor and some guaranteed prizes by Scot Adams with Farmers Insurance and Co sponsor TMT Golf Club.
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Ready to be our next sponsor or donor?
If you would like to donate a silent auction item, sponsor a hole, or become involved, please contact Lisa 858.750.0552 or
See you on the course!

Letter from the CEO:
Welcome to a brand New Year! As I look over 2023, I cannot help but feel so much love and gratitude. I watched our Heroes transform their lives this past year and it is all because of the love and support of our wonderful Donors and Supporters! 
 But not only did Heroes transform their lives, we also saw some amazing transformations of our horses. Apache, the retired Border Patrol Mustang, who was going to be euthanized is now serving his new purpose. Dr. Larry Martin knew Apache still had a long life ahead of him and recommended he be retired to SIS. He did need surgery on his back hoof but I am so excited to report that Apache is now full time in our program! He is definitely one of the favorites among the heroes and volunteers! We were also able to take in 7 rescued colts and fillies. They have a new purpose in life as well. The volunteers and heroes are learning so much from Pete Spates in starting these 7 horses. What a great experience for all of us and the horses. This took our horsemanship learning to a whole new level. 
2024 is already shaping up to be another BIG year! With our new ranch, The Circle T, we have so much room to grow. We have some big plans for this year! We will be sharing them as we progress through these next few months. One of our main goals for this year is to be able to provide continued riding and horsemanship for our heroes who have graduated. We will institute open riding days and trail rides for them. We have also implemented our Hero to Wrangler mentorship program. It is so wonderful to watch our heroes become wranglers and pass on their knowledge to new heroes!  
With our increased growth, we will need your support even more. Please continue to tell others about SIS and our stories of transformations and saved lives! It is imperative our mission is spread far and wide so we can continue the life saving work we are doing everyday at Saddles In Service. 
Thank you for joining us on this incredible journey of hope!
Grateful to have you as part of the family.

Watch the Circle T announcement:
Thanks to the generosity and heart of Lisa Lightfoot, Saddles In Service will be able to continue to expand in the service of our Heroes. The need in the community continues to grow and every single life matters. We continue to grow as fast as we can to meet that need.