What is always in front of you, but you cannot see it?
Welcome to 2024
As so often happens, we approach the New Year with a list of things we're going to do. And we all know the old adage about how the fitness centers are busy for the first 2 weeks of January with "the Resolutions people". Then by the end of January, the Resolutions people are somehow gone.

I don't like to make resolutions. The word "resolution" is a FIRM decision to do something.
And how bad does it feel when you miss a day on that item you "firmly" declared to do?
I like making goals and doing beginning of year Goal Review.  A lot of times, I continue goals I had from the previous year, but the New Year is a good time to assess what worked, what didn't, and what you want to continue to do.
I just saw a friend post a video of a goal she has been working on for 4 years. That may seem like a very long time, and often people would get discouraged or "chuck it" for a new resolution (to perhaps get rid of that resolution when it too was not easily achievable). But, she didn't give up and she kept plugging along. We all need victories, so you want goals that are achievable. But, not too easily achievable that you are not having to reach out of your comfort zone.
"Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it."
- Lao Tzu
"Do it again and again. Consistency makes the rain drops to create holes in the rock.
Whatever is difficult can be done easily with regular attendance, attention and action."
- Israelmore Ayivor
This is what I would rather see from patients. Slow and steady, building habits consistently.
Not throwing out all of the things and then grabbing new goals that if not achieved within the first month of the year are also thrown out.
So, in the spirit of these lessons, and also as a reminder of small items, done daily/consistently, etc., this newsletter's video is on Mobility or JUST MOVING throughout your day. Just some reminders how you can sneak in more movement (and also HOW IMPORTANT it is just for your body to get up and move out of a sustained position throughout the day).
It's Time to 
You're going to hear me say this phrase a lot. Not only in the podcast, but to my patients, and probably just in general. The first step to enacting change is to bring awareness. And that is what I hope to do with the State of Healthcare Podcast and honestly, overall. 
One day I'd like to see a Healthcare System that focuses on prevention, and allows physicians to treat each patient as an individual, not a diagnosis, or a number. But, it won't happen unless we fight for it.
Podcast Season 2 kicked off already and we're 2 episodes in! This time it is told from the patient perspective of dealing with certain conditions in today's healthcare environment.
Click here to listen to their stories. They are not only informative, but also relatable, especially if you have ever dealt with an injury that changed your life.
Merch!! We have a calendar! You can order one today by messaging betterfittherapyaz@gmail.com or 602-751-7966. $10 for this year's Healthcare calendar including tips, healthcare days, and lessons learned from Podcast Season 1.
Upcoming Events:
Look for another Unwind and Unknot Session coming at Elevate Aerial Yoga on Tuesday February 27 at 6pm. Follow my social media or Elevate Aerial Yoga @elevateyogaaz for additional details. Click here to register!
Check next month's newsletter for exciting projects, classes, etc. coming your way and welcome to 2024!!
Thanks for reading and if you have any questions regarding the information in this newsletter or physical therapy in general, please feel free to reach out today!
Let's have a great year!
