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Ari Affirmations
Eating healthy is an act of self-love, and I am worthy of that love.
I am mindful of what I eat, knowing it contributes to my well-being.
I choose foods that nourish my body and uplift my mood.
Happy Monday, boo!
Let's talk about the art of making the most perfect smoothie.
Spoiler alert: It's more than piling ingredients into your blender.
It's a science.
The way you layer the ingredients in your smoothie will have a big impact on its final taste and texture.
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So, how should you layer your smoothie? 
Layer it in this order from bottom to top:
  1. LIQUIDS: No matter what type of liquid you’re using — dairy or non-dairy milk, juice, coconut water, etc — let this be the very first ingredient you add to the blender. Keeping the liquids on the bottom allows the blender to create a “vortex,” easily pulling down the greens, fruit, and veggies that are layered above.
  2. POWDERS: If you’re using any type of protein powder or boosters like maca or cacao powder, add it immediately after the liquid base. It’s important that these ingredients are well-blended, and doesn’t leave an unpleasant powdery or chalky texture or taste (if you know, you KNOW!)
  3. GREENS: Next up, bring on the leafy greens. Keeping kale, spinach, chard, and other leafy veggies at the bottom of the pitcher is a great way to make sure they get blended well. 
  4. SOFT INGREDIENTS: From here on up, ingredients will be added to the blender based on firmness, starting with soft ingredients. This layer will include things like yogurt and nut butter.
  5. FRESH FRUITS, NUTS,& SEEDS: Drop in soft, fresh fruits, like berries, melon, citrus, and avocados, as well as nuts and seeds. To help fruits blend better, consider cutting them into chunks. This is especially helpful if your blender isn’t very powerful.
  6. FROZEN & HARD INGREDIENTS: Finally, top off the blender with hard ingredients, like frozen fruit and ice. The weight of these heavier items helps to push the other ingredients down toward the base.
  7. THAT'S IT! Time to blend away and serve!




Have a great week!
Ariel Belgrave, CPT
Certified Health & Fitness Coach
Corporate Wellness Strategist
Board Member, Women's Health Mag
Under Armour Athlete
P.S. I encourage you to forward this email to someone who could use this wisdom (sharing is caring!)