The Island View
Monthly Newsletter
February 2024
                     Photo by Ross Hansen 
Dear SML Community, 
From Odiorne Point, Appledore Island seems both far away and so close, especially in February. I have to admit to a thrill when I saw it for the first time in my new role as Executive Director.
The last several months have had me thinking about what makes the Shoals experience so special. The magic of Appledore is palpable when we land on the island, and that magic is a combination of the place and the people.  Although it will be several months before I can land on the island for the first time this year, the community that Shoals creates has been on full display for me as I moved to the seacoast.  The enthusiasm for Shoals by friends, both old and new, is energizing and heartening.  I have received so many emails of support, warm welcomes, insight into courses or research activities, recommendations for people to meet, and even offers of meals and the use of guest rooms. The Shoals community inspires a sense of belonging and already feels like family.
This week I have read the testimonials of the students who received scholarship support to participate at Shoals last summer.  They wrote about the unique learning opportunities, and they also wrote about the people. So many students spoke about the importance of people – faculty, fellow students, staff, researchers, and supporters – and how generous people were with their knowledge and their time. Our students clearly feel this same sense of community and are delighted to be part of it. The connections they make with others nurture a strong sense of acceptance and belonging that is part of the allure of Shoals.
It is awe-inspiring to think that we each contribute to the transformative power of the Shoals experience.  We are so lucky to have the many dedicated people collaborating to make the Shoals community so vibrant and so close.
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Sara R. Morris, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Shoals Marine Lab
Our Commitment to Science for All
February is Black History Month and an important time to reflect on how Shoals Marine Lab is dedicated to supporting a diversity of perspectives, backgrounds, origins, talents, and interests which strengthen and deepen the SML experience. We are committed to creating a diverse community and a strong sense of belonging for all. 
The SML Diversity Scholarship was established by Jay and Suzanne McFarland in 2020 to increase diversity within and access to marine science by reducing barriers for historically under-represented students. If you know of a student who can benefit from this scholarship, please direct them to our website to learn more. 
Tern Spotlight with NH Fish & Game
Did you know that since 1997, the Isles of Shoals Tern Conservation Project has implemented restoration, management, and research of threatened and endangered terns on White and Seavey islands? 
Photo by Tim Briggs
This work, supported by NH Fish & Game, was just highlighted in their Quarterly Newsletter, WILDLINES. Tern research is part of the larger Isles of Shoals Seabird Ecology and Conservation Program, headed by our very own Dr. Elizabeth Craig! To learn more, see here. And don't forget to visit the new exhibit,The Science of Seabirds” at the Seacoast Science Center in Odiorne State Park, Rye, NH! The exhibit was developed with the support of NH Sea Grant - to read more about this research see here.
Attention students:
Ready to explore our island campus?
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      Photo by Duane Keohane
Our 2024 course offerings are available here! This season we are offering a wide variety of classes with topics ranging from ornithology to fisheries, and everything in between! We also offer a variety of scholarship aid to support students joining us on Appledore. Priority application deadline in March 1st - find more information about financial support and scholarships here. See you this summer!
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The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy's Gills Club is offering a full scholarship (tuition, room and board, and lab fee) for one female student to take the Shark Biology & Conservation course at SML this summer! The course is taught by Gills Club co-founder Dr. Heather Marshall and Gills Club Science Team Member Maggie Winchester-Weiler.
For more information, click here. This course is a fantastic opportunity to dive into the field of shark science in the classroom and out on the water! See the course posting on our website here for more details. Applications are due March 1st - spread the word!
Fun fact: our very own Communications Coordinator, Rachel Lewis, was the 2022 Gills Club Scholar!
Don't miss out! 
Artist-In-Residence Applications are DUE March 1st
"Art is the impression that nature makes upon the eye." 
-Childe Hassam
                Photo by Nancy Grace Horton
The goal of the AIR program at Shoals is to foster interaction and inspiration between science and the arts. Come spend time creating and learning with us this summer! For more information on the AIR program, see here and to apply click here. Applications close soon - be sure to share with artists of any medium who may be interested!
Mark your calendars for March 14th! 
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Cornell's extensive network of alumni, family, and friends around the world will come together to show their support for the next generation of leaders during 
Cornell Giving Day and SML needs your help to achieve our goals! 
A gift of $2,500+ gives you membership to our Navigator Circle! 
Click here for more details
Follow Shoals on Instagram!
Shoals Marine Laboratory is a joint partnership between Cornell University and the University of New Hampshire.