This month, we're amped up to introduce the dynamic Barbara Visser of Expanded Focus, who will be joining forces with our FBomber-in-Chief, Kimfer Flanery-Rye, as a co-facilitator. Barbara, with her experience launching a solo business during the 2020 pandemic, is set to unravel the magic of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs).
What the fuck is an OKR? OKRs, born at Intel in the groovy '70s, are like the secret sauce for corporations to supercharge focus, accelerate progress, and align efforts.
During this session, Barbara will spill the beans on how OKRs injected structure, motivation, and momentum into her small business. Brace yourself for a deep fucking dive into the world of OKRs – we'll explore their value, figure out how to seamlessly integrate them into our daily business vibes, and practice setting kickass, personalized OKRs!
The anticipation is killing us – we can't fucking wait to see you there!

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