I have a new routine that I’m basically obsessed with.
And it might seem indulgent or frivolous, but it’s tap dancing.
It all started back in December when we were visiting my partner Erik’s family in BC (or British Columbia for those not familiar with Canadian geography).
I went to a dance showcase where I watched 5-year olds in their pink tights and black leotards clacking around the room to jingle-bell-rock and I was hooked.
(spoiler alert: this story might seem random, but it absolutely relates to you!)
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I got this feeling inside that I couldn’t shake that it was time to start dancing again.
Unlike my sister (who still remembers the routine she did as a kindergartner, to "L-O-V-E") I never took tap dancing. But dancing was a huge part of my life between the ages of 4 and 18. 
Despite how much I love to dance, I hadn’t taken a dance class in over a decade… even though I’d wanted to.
I can’t tell you how many times over the last ten years I researched studios and possible classes (cross-checking them with my google calendar), promising myself that I would go… but I never made time for it.
And of course, now that I have, there’s a voice inside me (gently but insistently) screaming, “why did you wait this long?!”.
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Here's what I've experienced since I've started dancing again:
✨ I've connected to a part of myself I haven't felt in years. I feel more like me, and that is both comforting and deeply empowering.
✨ The thrill of learning something new: I basically smile and giggle through class as I learn to shuffle - ball change and cramp roll (in both straight and swing timing!)
✨ I've got more energy! The joy and creative energy dancing brings is rippling into other areas of my life where I now feel more alive and present and capable.
Now how does this relate to you? 
Well its simple, really. 
So often we focus on the things that are draining our energy. We talk about strategies like creating boundaries, saying no, doing less.
** Equally important is the question: what gives you energy? **
What lights you up and makes you feel so radiantly alive? What puts the pep in your step and makes you want to get out of bed in the morning? What is something you can look forward to especially in the moments of life that are challenging?
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We often worry that these things life-giving things are indulgent or frivolous.
When I'm working with coaching clients it's really normal for there to be feelings of guilt and shame. Most of us have been trained to value productivity above all else (we'll skip the lecture on capitalism today, but it's absolutely connected). 
But do you know what the most common reaction has been when I share with someone my new tap dancing obsession? 
Their eyes sparkle, their face lights up and they say: “you know, I’ve always wanted to try that”.
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Let this be an invitation to explore those things that feel indulgent or frivolous or “not-productive". An invitation to explore what might bring energy and joy into your life.
Not sure what would bring you energy? I have several spaces for 1:1 coaching available where we can dive deep into your unique energy, priorities and what it is that you really want on this wild ride of life. 
I also wanted to share today that I currently have ONE pro-bono coaching spot, and ONE sliding scale coaching spot available for a March start date. These spots are offered every few months as a way to make the magic of coaching accessible to those who aren’t able to make the financial investment at this time.
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Feel free to hit reply if you'd like more information on coaching and whether it would be a good fit for you in this season of life. 
Or if coaching isn't for you at this time but this email really resonated, you might like this podcast episode with Kim Duff Selby where she shares practical tips on finding the things that ignite your spark. 
Cheering you on (now and always!)

