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The Word of La Maison
A new year is beginning with its load of discoveries, of sharing, of challenges as well, and above all of travels, may they be physical or personal. In our second edition of the “Oasis”, we will talk to you about love, the spirit of Valentine’s Day taking hold of us, and with it the wish of offering you nice moments with your loved ones. It’s the heart of our house at all times and for you all.
“It’s the people and the unique moments they share that define a house… The rest of the exceptional decoration turns it into something even more unforgettable…” - Alex Henry Foster
With the hopes of having the joy of welcoming you for the first time or once more at La Maison.
See you soon,
La Maison de Tanger


Choose La Maison de Tanger
for an unforgettable stay in the pearl of Nothern Morocco.
Contact us to book:
+212 06 60 68 88 52 (mobile/WhatsApp)