90 Minutes
June 8th | 1:00pm - 2:30pm

Join us for the next installment of our
90 Minute Foundations Workshop
June 8th | 1:00pm - 2:30pm

Are you looking for somewhere to begin your pilates journey?  Are you ready to connect deeper to your current practice?  
You’ll be able to:
  • try out the equipment
  • take a tour of our facilities
  • watch demonstrations of the proper form
  • learn the basics of the exercises
  • ask questions
  • receive assistance or customizations to exercises
  • meet and connect with others
  • enjoy yourself and experience joy with movement
every experience level is welcome - no previous experience required
Immediately after the session you will be able to customize and map out your first few months with us and have accountability to help you reach your goals. 
You’ll leave feeling grounded + energized

SPACE IS limited
early bird pricing
$150 after June 1st 

What is our signature method?
Our signature style is a low impact, mindful, strength and stretch focused flow.  Our studio is serene and spa like which allows you to reset and recharge.  Our clients are incredibly consistent, each class you will be surrounded by the most caring, compassionate community while deepening your connection to yourself.

Jaclyn LeBlanc
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This 90 minute workshop will be lead by 
our Lead Trainer and Owner, Jaclyn

A note from Lead Trainer and Owner
My Purpose, My "Why"
For years I overworked myself at a high stress desk job leading a team of 10.  I commuted for 3 hours a day in a car, failed to nourish and take care of myself, and became extremely disconnected to my body and my needs.  I started pilates honestly because I hated exercising and I loved that you could spend the first half of the class lying down, away from the mirrors, reconnecting to your mind, body, and soul.  I stayed with pilates because it became addicting to move in this method.  My body craved movement for the first time.  Pilates got me out of my head and my to do list and away from my work desk and phone.  I was able to make better decisions with food and other activities because I had a release and wasn’t so stressed or tight. 
Although you probably know I am a Certified Pilates Instructor, what you may not know is I also have my Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Massachusetts Amherst Commonwealth Honors College in Kinesiology (Exercise Science).  Out of thousands of students I earned numerous internships with the Athletic Training department, Cybex research grants, and research The Physical Activity and Health Lab.  I was nominated President of the club for my major 3 consecutive years during my undergraduate career.  Even with all my experience in a health and wellness field and years and years of education on the importance of exercise I too got stressed, busy with life's obligations, and fell off track.  You’re not alone.  If you’re stressed, feeling off track, feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to begin we would love to help!  It’s time to find joy in movement again.  Movement doesn't need to feel hard and it can truly be something you look forward to.
Once you start feeling good you can start showing up for the people that matter most to you.
Always here,
Jaclyn & the BBP Team
P.S.  Excited to start and can't wait for the workshop?  We can't blame you!!!  
New Client Specials can be found here 