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As we progress deeper into the winter months, we consider this moment an excellent time to look around at the wonderful work being done within our agency.
The school year is more than halfway through, and our various after school programs have been hard at work. Likewise, many of our Workforce participants have already begun preparations for summer! 
We're happy to share these little glimpses around CASW:
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Valentine's Day is a wonderful opportunity to appreciate love in all its forms and all over the agency, our participants found equally diverse ways to celebrate! Our COMPASS participants at PS 18  put together their own crafts detailing those they most appreciated in their lives, such as teachers, relatives, friends, etc. All of which made for a beautiful, seasonal bulletin board!
At Dyckman Community Center, participants held a Valentine's Day celebration complete with baked treats and holiday-themed activities.  Similarly, participants at PS/MS 37 put a creative spin on holiday tradition by making their very own Valentine's using handprints. As always, here at CASW, we always cherish the opportunity to channel our community spirit into something festive!

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Our Cornerstone participants at Dyckman Community Center have been deeply into refining their social skills - they've recently taken the time to brush up on their etiquette and table manners. Though simple at first glance, skills such as these can prepare youth for the adult world, where they'll likely be confronted with numerous social and professional engagements. 
Likewise, in said situations, it is equally important to be mindful of diverse backgrounds and our Dyckman participants are up to the challenge! They also engaged in an activity where they shared their cultures with one another - and later partnered up to create multi-cultural artworks!

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Applications for Ladders for Leaders opened up earlier this year and participants have already begun their job trainings! This past weekend, at Pier 17,  participants gathered to discuss resumes and other professional materials as they prepare to seek out their dream internships!!!
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On another note, WLG (Work, Learn, and Grow) has been under progress since this past fall and, during a recent event at our Boone Ave office, we had the invaluable chance to listen to some partcipant feedback! Participants came in and reflected on the first portion of the program, as they prepare to begin phase II at their respective sites. One of the most rewarding aspects of events like these is the chance to see how much our participants have grown - we can't wait to see their progress in a few months!

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Aside from helping to enrich our participants academically through curriculum in subjects such as STEM, we're also committed to helping them grow both emotionally and creatively - essentially helping to nurture well-rounded individuals. One of the best ways to accomplish this is through curriculums that include the arts as well as social/emotional learning.
Our COMPASS participants at PS/MS 37 recently completed an activity that asked them to slow down and consider their feelings, with the intention of getting them to take stock of things they can work on in their day-to-day lives. By the end, each participant had made a pledge to work on their new resolution. On the flip side, COMPASS participants at PS 115 learned about the technique of paper-mâché, as they worked to design and craft their very own piñatas! We strongly believe that activities like these provide an essential outlet for children's personal expression and - by extension - their personal growth!

THIS MONTH's news - pop culture
In this feature of CASW News, we'd like to share some fun content that's been on our minds lately! Whether it's a new song or YouTube video, our pop culture recommendations will reflect ideas and values that might be useful for our colleagues, participants, partners, or the community as a whole! 
If you have any recommendations for us, please feel free to email them to 

Zumba Party
At our sites:
  • Dyckman: 3782 10th Avenue, New York, NY 10034 / Saturdays from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Bronx River BINGO!
  • March: 2nd & 16th
  • April: 6th & 20th
  • May: 4th & 18th
  • June: 1st & 15th
Where?, Bronx River Community Center: 1619 E. 174th Street, Bronx, NY 10472.
Doors open at 11:30 a.m. | Start time: 12:00 P.m. to 2:00 p.m.

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CASW's impact goes beyond arts and science. We spark creativity, ignite potential, and nurture the self-belief of at-risk youth. Together, we unlock their dreams.
Every child deserves a chance to shine. Your support fuels CASW's mission, empowering at-risk youth to become confident, contributing members of society. Join us in building a brighter tomorrow!

Check out our Instagram for more updates and fun stuff! 😊📸