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Tune My Heart
It happened again. 😂  Tonight I was just minding my own business. I sat in our fluffy recliner, typing my newsletter, smelling the casserole browning in the oven. My thoughts ambled through my mind, replaying the day in little vignettes: glimpsing the sunrise on my morning commute, giggling with little ones, a text that made me smile. Yes, there were worries, too. No, they weren't new. And yet… the whole picture was so beautiful! I felt tears in my eyes, just overcome with thankfulness for this moment, for those moments, for the tapestry of all the gifts God curated just for me. It happened again…He brought me back! He brought me here. And I actually noticed it. 
How often in life do we really see what is placed before us? Beyond the schedules, the logistics, or our busyness. Somehow, I can go for weeks just wholly absorbed by the motions. Thinking that the products, the tasks, are what really matters. And while they are important- and, I believe, the tasks that I am called to steward right now- they're not “it". There's also what God is doing in my heart. How many times have I gotten distracted, succumbed to overwhelm, and then been rescued… again? God continues to craft opportunities for me to see Him at work. In the small moments and in the long haul. It catches me by surprise every time.
One of my very favorite hymns is, “Come Thou Font of Every Blessing.” 
"Come Thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise…
Oh, to grace how great a debtor
Daily I'm constrained to be
Let Thy goodness like a fetter
Bind my wandering heart to Thee
Prone to wander, Lord I feel it
Prone to leave the God I love
Here's my heart, oh take and seal it
Seal it for Thy courts above."    -Robert Robinson
It's so easy for our minds and hearts to wander. Replaying painful memories we can't shake, forecasting unknown futures, or simply obsessing over something that isn't in our present. (#1 offender, over here!) 🙋‍♀️ I don't know that I'll ever wander any less, honestly. But I do know that He'll never give up on me, or you! His grace abounds (2 Cor. 9:8), His goodness has no end (Psalm 23:6), and He pursues us with a faithful love. (Ezekiel 34:11) No matter how often we are swallowed by schedules or distracted by details, He will bring us back. 
I pray God tunes our hearts to see the beauty and bounty of where He has placed us. I pray He catches you by surprise, sending just the awe and wonder you need at just the right time. May we remember that we are here, and this is beautiful, because we are with Him. Feel that warm, tender hug from above! ❤️️
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
-Psalm 150:6
Psst! The quote box in each new email is saveable and shareable! Right click to keep. 💌
I'm Seeing
This Week:
in Storing up memories
Seeing Beauty Here
This little crew spent a lovely Saturday together doing what we do best: coffee, good chats, baby snuggles, & sunshine. We've had such a sweet window of togetherness lately. Kelly and her family are moving far away, and we'll miss them terribly. AND…we've stored up so many memories! What a gift to spend extra time together in the best ways. ❤️️
Thank you, God, for the gift of time! For tuning our hearts to see and feel and treasure all the signs of your gracious love. For the cognizance to say, “This is beautiful. We are here.” For watching over loved ones near and far…and oh yea- for the internet, and Facetime! 😉 We are so loved!
Where are you seeing God's Goodness this week?
Thank you for celebrating with me!