Hi First name / there!
My February calendar is absolute chaos (why do I keep doing this to myself? 😅), but I wanted to take a minute to pop in and ask a fun little question.
March 1st is release day for my first new title since September. Yikes, time to get back on track!
Just in Queso is part of the Man of the Month Club series. If you haven't read any Man of the Month Club books before, each year is a fresh series set in a new fictional small town. The series releases two standalone books per month, so you get to visit the same setting many times, following a new couple to their happily ever after in each book. It's a lot of fun!
(If you read my book Gingerbread Man last year, it was part of the 2023 Man of the Month Club series.)
Just in Queso is a cute, steamy, instalove romance between 33-year-old taco shop owner Phoebe, and 52-year-old single-dad newcomer to town, Basil. 
Here's the back-cover blurb:
Since I was a little girl with a toy kitchen set, I dreamed of owning a restaurant. Now it’s a thriving reality. Everyone loves my fun, high-energy, taco place. Just in Queso keeps me so busy, I wouldn’t have time for romance if the world’s handsomest man walked through the front door and fried my circuits with a simple smile.
Which is exactly what happens the first time Magnolia Point’s new-in-town silver fox brings his preteen daughter in for tacos. And again, every week after, on what seems to be their adorable taco-Tuesday, father-daughter date.
The zing between us is hot enough to make my queso bubble over. Neither of us has space in our lives for a relationship, but my long-neglected taco could use some salt-and-pepper spice. 
Too bad my heart didn’t get the no-strings-attached memo…
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Now it's time for my fun question…
➡️ The heroine's best friend needs a first name. What do you think it should be?
📩 Hit reply and tell me what name I should use!
If I choose your suggestion, I'll give you a shoutout in the acknowledgments section of the book. 💗
That's all for today, but I'll be back soon with a cover reveal for another book. Until then, I look forward to hearing from you with your name ideas for Phoebe's best friend! And whatever other fun, happy things you want to share with me, too!
Be well and happy reading,
     xo, Karla
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