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I'm tired trying to fight it, and fight you, and fight this, and fight it all…" 
- SG Lewis,Yours

Peace, First name / movemaker and welcome to MAJORMOOD Monday'sLEFT-OF-CENTER LOVERS EDITION! God must really be with me because I totally forgot that V-Day was approaching, and not that my newsletters HAVE to fall in line with the holidays, but also, like – why not? Thankfully, this weeks mood was more than appropriate for the occasion…One of my most cherished, deeply emotive, soul-touching, alternative-R&B must-haves, ‘Yours’ by SG Lewis. 

Like with most of my newsletters, I learn something new either about myself or the artist. Welp. This one threw me. I was keen on the fact that SG Lewis was an enigmatic producer who sometimes sang, but I never knew he could SING, SING until I heard “Yours”… and that's because (today I learned) he's not the one singingand furthermore - It's not even a “HE”. (stay with me for a loving gift)
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Today Years Old: It's official…SG Lewis is a wildly talented, SNEAKY MAGICIAN, of an engineer. To be honest, this isn't the first time I've been exposed to the pitched down vocal style as some of my favorite artists use this technique. To add to SG's sentiment, I am also a devout worshipper at the church of James Blake — a groundbreaking, alternative-musician, that started me on my journey into left-of-center listening. (gift below)

Often times the pitched down vocal is more obvious than not, but in Yours it was hidden in plain sight, concealed as an otherworldy male vocalist. Come to find that we have actually traveled to the land of Raye, a female British Singer-Songwriter who's written for the likes of Beyonce, John Legend, & Rihanna (to name a few). It's safe to say that both SG Lewis & James Blake are masters at work in their ability to manipulate sound in order to penetrate listeners on a deeper level — emitting something that is not only heard, but felt.
I've put together a short “LOVELIST," featuring some of my favorite alternative UK artists who have inspired me both sonically and spiritually. Each track represents a different form of love so no one has to feel alone on this holiday. 
To know me is to understand how much I love anything that pushes boundaries, especially in music. Furthermore, to know me is to also understand that my appreciation for the UK's influence on the expansion of the sonic palette, runs deep. Don't get me wrong, like with most movements — the influence rarely STARTS there. Soundsystem culture originated in Jamaica, making it's way to the UK in the 60's & 70's, paving the way for people to not just HEAR the music, but to FEEL IT. This understanding of sub-bass frequencies has influenced production across all styles and genres of music today, even infiltrating US markets, (i.e: 808 Melo & Pop Smoke).
With that said, there may be an argument that true expansion comes from cross-pollinating cultural origins with the influences of the places it's assimilated to — giving us the diverse and vibrant musical landscapes that spans across cultures. Like Bob Marley said, “In this great future, you can't forget your past. So I find it important to pay homage to the origins of all great creations, while also acknowledging and appreciating it's evolution which has not only informed, but transformed our future. 

To leave you all with something new to love, here is CLI Conservatory's interpretation of James Blakes “I'm So Blessed Your Mine.”

