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“Cherry Blossoms Dragon” by Keisuke Teshima, painted using the one stroke technique, video link below.
Creative Kickstart Prompt 4
Here are a few different definitions of our next prompt:
Mythical implies a purely fanciful explanation of facts or the creation of beings and events out of the imagination.
A traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.  
Occurring in or characteristic of myths or folk tales.
What does this word remind you of and what kind of imagery appears in your mind? Let's take some time to look a closer look at this prompt and find out what it inspires within us!

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  • Tomorrow marks the beginning of the  year of the dragon! Here are a few dragon inspired things for you to check out: Have you seen a dragon blood tree before? Dragons Across Cultures & Mythologies, sculptural papercut portraits of dragons and animals, and for fun, find your Chinese Zodiac here!
  • Hitofude-ryu, One Stroke Dragon Watch this amazing technique here and here is an article about it. How can we apply this concept to the way we paint and use our brushes?
  • Song of the Sea An Irish youth discovers that his sister is a selkie (mythological creatures that can shapeshift between seal and human forms) who must find her voice and free supernatural creatures from the spell of a Celtic goddess. This entire film is hand drawn! It's stunning, whimsical, and magical. Even if you just watch the trailers, there is a lot of inspiration in the imagery, colors, and music. This may not be your typical style and could be a chance to try something new! Watch Trailer 1 & Trailer 2
  • Folklore, myths, legends, and fairy tales. What stories did you grow up hearing? Re-create a scene or character. Change the ending to what you think it should be. Or use it to create your color palette or to set the mood for your piece.
  • Miss Aniela's Fantastical & Surreal Fashion Photography See the images here and take a look at some cool behind the scenes content here.
  • What's your favorite fantasy movie? Take some time to re-watch it this weekend. Mine is definitely Lord of the Rings--I love how everything (costume, the set, all the little details) comes together and transports me into their world!
  • What's a myth you once believed to be true (about yourself, others, this world)? Create an abstract piece that conveys your journey and feelings. Refer back to abstract expressionism and mark making. Do haphazard splatters of paint capture your story better or do soft short brush strokes? Maybe torn pieces of paper do or clean cut shapes with sharp edges.
  • A few tutorials to try Drawing a fairy face with pencil, how to paint an eastern dragon,  rainbow unicorn watercolor tutorial (you can use other colors),
  • Abstract Expressionism doesn't really come to my mind when I think of “mythical” but after taking a closer look, I do find that connection with the pieces below:

Top to bottom, left to right: Willem de Kooning, Excavation, 1950, oil on canvas
Miriam Schapiro, Idyll II, 1956
Jackson Pollock, Blue (Moby Dick), 1943. gouache and ink on composition board

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Let your imagination and curiosity guide you and I look forward to seeing your interpretation of mythical! 
Happy Year of the Dragon! 
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