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valued stakeholder of the Littleton DDA. This email correspondence is separate from the Public Newsletter and serves as a source of information about the local business community, including LDDA news, upcoming events, marketing opportunities, and other essential information for businesses and stakeholders within the LDDA boundaries.

Useful Data for Business Owners
The Littleton DDA has pulled data that profiles the multiple audiences surrounding the downtown community, including their demographic data, wants, needs, behaviors and likes and dislikes. As a business owner, utilizing this data can be helpful in attracting engaged audiences that will spend time and money in downtown Littleton. Business owners should find this information useful in helping to make data-driven decisions that help your businesses stay competitive.

Snow Removal Pilot Program Overview
The LDDA board of directors determined that the LDDA would begin by offering snow removal services throughout the downtown core, specifically along Main Street and Alamo Avenue. The pilot program set a 0” tolerance, meaning that at the first sign of precipitation, crews would be on site to administer services throughout the storm.
Beginning in October 2023, LDDA/CSG provided nine (9) snow removal services to date throughout the downtown core. A standard operating procedure was developed for each snow removal service and emails were sent directly to property owners and businesses within the snow removal boundaries to alert them of upcoming services.
Overall, the program has been well received by retailers and property owners. This is gauged by positive feedback solicited through email, phone calls and in store visits. Due to the success of the pilot program, the LDDA will continue its snow removal service and begin including cross streets within the snow removal area.


Promote Your Events
Hosting an event within the Littleton DDA boundaries? 
Our events calendar serves as a promotional tool for happenings ranging from local reoccurring events that foster community to annual signature events that draw visitors from across the region.

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