9 months ago I started an email subject line test. The idea was simple ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป to stop using emojis in newsletter subject lines and to use mostly lowercase. 
The purpose of this email is to share the changes I've made, show examples and overall findings. I know a lot if you have noticed the change in email style and have asked me to share, so here we go!

My email open rates were flaky. Sometimes 30 something percent, sometimes 40 something percent (on regular newsletters to a full-list email). Which is good, but not consistent at all. And that was bothering me
I considered all the usual suspects: too many images in the emails, too many links, using all the wrong no-no words, etc. But these are elements that I don't want to change. So, what else could I change?  ๐Ÿค” Thenโ€ฆ it hit me! 
I was looking thru my inbox and noticed that all the emails I hadn't open yet had one thing in common: lots of emojis in the subject line. Could it be? Could that be the reason for my own inconsistent open rates? I had to test it. 
In late June 2023, I stopped using emojis in subject lines and started using only lowercase. But I also changed the actual copy style: from serious and direct โžก๏ธ to almost clickbait
To clarify, the reason why I didn't open the emails with emoji subject lines, was because unconsciously I knew, they were trying to either teach or sell me something I wasn't ready for.
I never lie ๐Ÿ‘€. But I do like to keep certain info โ€˜for later useโ€™. It's like when you call off from work on a Monday because your head hurts. The pain part is true. But your boss doesn't need to know that it's because you had one-too-many mimosas ๐Ÿฅ‚ with the girls over brunch ๐Ÿซข. Catch my drift? 
Here are a few examples of this style of copy (reminiscent of YouTube video titles). 
1.Subject line why I'm closing the Facebook group
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2. Subject line: let me show you the templates
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3. Subject line: if you failed this year, this is for you
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Here are some more examples of this tyle of subject line that got 50%+ open rates:
๐Ÿ“ง You don't need 7 courses about printable stickers
๐Ÿ“ง forgot the most important thing (facepalm)
๐Ÿ“ง Stop what you're doing me and join me now
๐Ÿ“ง It goes LIVE today!
All of those are sales emails, BTW. And the last one got a whooping 59% open rate to an unsegmented full email list of almost 17K. 
It's simple. A 3-step process. After you've finished writing the email, go back and read it, then think about this 2 things:
โ˜๐Ÿผwhat is the email about? Usually, a 2 to 3 sentence summary comes to mind. 
โœŒ๐Ÿปwhat would a clickbait YouTube video title would look like? And that's your subject line. 
You're not trying to overhype the email content, the goal is too keep some of the info to make the reader open the email. Think of it as the dramatic cousin ๐Ÿคฃ that we all have (me, I'm the dramatic cousin). 
This type of subject line is different from the 2020 thru 2022 popular style of:
๐Ÿ™„ โ€œ7 ways to grow your social mediaโ€
๐Ÿคฎ โ€œYou won't be successful without this thingโ€
(please, don't do that)
Notice the huge spike in June 2023 (image below). But, please, ignore Oct/Nov (didn't send emails). 
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Even after 2 months of not sending any emails, my open rates went back to normal right away (50% and up) using this formula and style. 
What do you think? Will you try it? Reply and let me know! 
With love,
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โ€œWhatever you FOCUS on, will work for you. If you're focusing on organic marketing, it will work for you. If you're focusing on paid advertising, it will work for you.โ€ 
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