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Hi First name / friend,
Ever looked at your new home and thought, “Now what?” My clients, Victor and Diane, sure did. They were downsizing, and after selling their large home and snagging their dream condo, they were stumped on how to make it feel like theirs. That’s where I came in - they wanted a design expert with a flair for creating inspiring spaces, who would turn their “Now what?” into “Wow!”
My approach? Listen first, design second. I wanted to take my client’s ideas, vision, and style and sprinkle in my design magic (and probably a sprinkle of fairy dust) to create spaces that reflected them. And not only that but to help them make the most of each space so that despite moving into a smaller home, every space flowed and functioned in a way that enhanced their lives and made a living there a joy.
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Because when it comes to design, it’s about so much more than just aesthetics. It’s about creating spaces that are uniquely you.
The best part? How my clients felt about the whole process: “Working with Red wasn’t just about redecorating; it was about creating a home that’s truly ours. His taste? Eclectic but refined. The experience? More fun than we thought possible.”
Inspired to give your space a little live (and maybe a dash of fairy dust) this spring? Book a design consult with us. We promise it’ll be more fun and helpful than trying to go it alone.
And because we all need a bit more inspiration in our lives, follow us on Instagram. It’s where we share our latest transformations, design tips, and occasionally pictures of our cute dog. Because why not?
Thanks for being you and making our work so rewarding. Here’s to creating spaces that make you smile, stories that make you laugh, and occasionally say “Wow!”
PS - Got a design dilemma? Let’s tackle it together in 2024. You don’t have to do it alone. Book a design consult with us and let us help you transform your space.
PPS - Be sure to follow us on Instagram for more design inspo.
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