I spent YEARS silencing my voice.
Literally YEARS.
I wouldn't speak up when I wanted to,
I wouldn't say “no” when I wanted to,
I didn't honor my intuition,
and I'd let people walk all over me.
I wasn't honest with people, and I didn't communicate.
I was unaware.
I spent a LONG TIME not honoring myself.
And it's my mission to teach you what I've learned through the process of honoring myself.
I have crystal-clear boundaries,
I speak up and stand up for myself,
I ALWAYS listen to my intuition, 
I honor my “no”-even when it disappoints others,
I am honest,
and I communicate clearly and with compassion. 
If you're SO READY to stop the cycle and patterns of people-pleasing, 
if you're DONE feeling guilty for drawing boundaries,
and you KNOW it's time to put yourself first,
join us in:
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The 4 week program to support you in:
-Speaking with POWER and CONFIDENCE
-Qutting people-pleasing FOR GOOD
-Finally putting YOURSELF FIRST
24/7 chat support
4 calls
Connection with likeminded men & women
In this program, you will learn how to:
-understand why we people-please
-recognize areas in your life where boundaries are necessary
-draw boundaries in a way that is confident and clear
-communicate openly, honestly, and lovingly
-understand your habits with boundaries and change them-for GOOD!
AND I have a sexy offer for you… this program is only $344 if you jump on the early bird discount! 
Extended payment plans available:
I cannot wait to see you inside the program
And PS, for more support on boundaries, listen to “No” here!
Gracie Calvaneso
Apple music