Hi First name / My Rising Vibe friend, 🤗
I'm back in San Diego after an emotional and healing trip with my family last week. I want to express my gratitude to everyone who reached out to me with their heartfelt thoughts and prayers. Your kindness meant so much to me! 
Sending many hugs to all of you!!
Yesterday, I joined a tennis fitness class, which has inspired me to write this week's newsletter about the power of breathwork and finding our flow state.
The class combined intense tennis sprints and interval training, which pushed me out of my comfort zone. I must admit, keeping up with the pace was challenging, but practicing mindful breathing helped me find my rhythm.
It's amazing how focusing on our breath can regulate our nervous system and bring us back to a state of calm, even when we're physically exhausted.
Breathwork has become my trusted ally on and off the tennis court. It lets me connect with my inner self and tap into moments of magic during my tennis matches. In fact, it plays a central role in the book I'm working on—a guide to harnessing our unique energetic frequency and finding inner alignment. 
When our mind, heart, and gut are in sync, we become clear channels for extraordinary experiences.
Breathwork goes beyond simply oxygenating our bodies; it’s a powerful tool for cultivating inner peace and resilience, especially in the face of stress.
I’ve discovered that using the simple 4-4-4 breathwork technique is the most effective way for me to calm down, access my intuition, find the perfect pace on the court, and tap into the flow state that professional athletes often experience.
To practice this technique, simply inhale deeply for four seconds, hold your breath for another four seconds, and then gently exhale for four seconds. This pattern helps you focus on your breath and slows down your heart rate, promoting a sense of relaxation.
Yesterday in class, our instructor encouraged us to start our watches to track our stats. Of course, we all wanted to get credit for our steps, but it was also a good tool for monitoring our heart rate.
The class consisted of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), which involved short bursts of intense tennis sprints combined with lower intensity exercises to elevate heart rate.
This sprint interval training, which originated in the 1950s, aims to push heart rates to at least 80% of maximum, providing a time-efficient workout to increase endurance and court performance.
After the first tennis sprint in class, I felt panicked, my heart was racing, and I was worried about catching my breath before the next sprint. I figured my beats per minute would be 200+.  
Turns out, it was 150 but regardless, I needed to cool and calm myself down before it was my turn again.  I started my breathwork practice for what only felt like 30 seconds and my watch read 100, which was amazing.  I surprised myself how fast I recovered.
It's easy to forget how simple it can be to find calm within ourselves. We have everything we need already inside of us. Our breath keeps us alive and our heart pumping. It’s the easiest remedy for finding our flow and returning to our best state.
So, hopefully my shared moments of panic and recovery will help you the next time you feel anxious or disconnected.  
Please remember to take a moment to close your eyes, place a hand over your heart, and breathe deeply.
To read more about breathwork, here’s a newsletter from last year, Relax, take a breath, my friend.
….. until next time many many sweet blessings.
Love + Wellness to You!
p.s. Want to share the love? Forward this to a friend so they can join in. 
You rock!



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