Are you happy with your life?
If you answered yes, then congratulations. You are one of the very few that have figured out how to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.
But if your answer is no, or I don’t know, then I have some news for you: you’re not alone. Not by a long shot. So many people struggle with finding happiness and satisfaction in their daily lives. Whether they feel stuck, frustrated, bored, or hopeless, they all wonder if this is all there is to life.
They struggle with old problems that never seem to go away.
But what’s worse is that they have old habits that prevent them from solving these problems. That’s my point today…old habits are the enemy of progress. Your old habits sit in your comfort zone which is the place that prevents you from growing and changing. They consist of routines that might make you feel safe, but in reality, they are just limiting your potential.
If you can’t understand why you aren’t living an ‘ideal day’ every day, it’s your old habits that are preventing you.
I’m sure you’re wondering what even is an ideal day?
First of all, the answer to that question depends on you. It’s the kind of day that is custom designed for you, by you, and is based on what you want and what you value. It’s a day that makes you feel alive and energized. It also aligns with your vision and purpose.
We’ve all had great days like this, the problem is that for some people, these days are few and far between…and it’s mostly because of self-sabotaging behaviors and habits.
Some people may laugh or roll their eyes and say this is just some fantasy and that the real world doesn’t work this way. Yes, I’m well aware that life is not a movie, but it doesn’t mean that living your ideal life is out of reach.
It’s well within your reach. You just need to put in the work to get there.

How does this whole process start? You need a plan. You need to know what your ideal life looks like so you can build out what an ideal day looks like. If you find yourself struggling with this, then you need to take a look at your habits and ask yourself if they are really aligned with the vision you have for yourself.
Do you know anyone that complains about not getting promoted at work or not being able to find a good paying career? Sure you do, we all do. And more often than not, these same people aren’t going back to school, or aren’t networking with the right people, or aren’t putting in the extra effort to stand out at their job. They just sit there filled with expectations and no proactivity. This is the kind of behavior that someone with a victim mentality displays, and if you know me, you know I can’t stand that.
These same people forget that life is actually determined by our reactions to external factors like our circumstances, environment, etc. These same people believe they will only succeed with luck.
Listen, I understand there will always be things, people, events, and obligations that get in our way and impede our progress, but none of them are permanent and none of them can stop you if you choose not to let them. The key is making the right choice and starting from there.
The truth is that your life is determined by your choices, and the choices you make are influenced by your daily habits.
What is a habit anyway? I’ll explain.
Your habits are the actions that you repeat every day, most of the time without even thinking about it. 
They are the behaviors that shape your identity, your personality, your character, and ultimately your destiny. When you think about it that way, they really are the foundation of your life. And if you want to change your life, you have to change your habits.
The habits I’m referring to are universal for all people. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you’re from, or what your vision is.
What are the universal habits?
Universal habits are core activities that every human being needs to thrive. It is essential for all of us to take care of our bodies, minds, and souls, so healthy eating, exercise, and meditation or prayer are absolutely critical. These are not habits that you do every once in a while, or when you feel like it. It’s definitely not something you do only when it’s convenient either. This is something you need to be doing every day, no matter what.
And to be honest, it’s not as hard as you think.
It just requires small, simple changes in your daily routine. You know damn well what you should and should not be eating. Yet a lot of people still intentionally choose wrong. You also know the importance of exercise, yet again, a lot of people avoid that habit too. I’m not talking about a full pro-athlete workout. Start with something simple that challenges you…even if it’s just a brisk walk, get out there and get moving.
The last thing is not as popular as it should be, and I think most of the world is really missing out here. We all have busy lives. I understand all of you have obligations and things that take time out of your day, but let’s be honest with ourselves, we all have 10 minutes somewhere in our day. If you knew the power of sitting quietly for just a few minutes each day to focus on breathing and your thoughts, you would see that this isn’t that difficult.
We all want to look better, feel better, and do better in our lives. The key to that is having control over your life. That same control also gives you the power to solve your old problems and create new possibilities.
Sounds like a pretty damn good day, doesn’t it? Almost ideal when you think about it.
The most important thing you can do is start. You have the knowledge, now you just need to do it.
What I want to know is, what does your ideal day look like? Do you have habits that need to change to get you there? Maybe you’re already living your ideal life every day. Wouldn’t you want that feeling for everyone?

In this community, I believe in sharing stories of success and failure because we can learn from both. I hope you all are learning a little from my life and my experience, because I learn from each of you each time you contact me.
Let’s talk about making every day ideal. 
I'll see you in the next one,
-Steven Williams

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