Feeling lucky!
We are a lucky bunch! 
Spring is about to….well, spring! The days are getting longer and things are starting to bloom. We will soon get to pack away our coats and boots until later this year.
Spring Breaks! March Madness! Spring Forward!
It's the perfect time to do a big “Spring clean” and freshen things up. I believe that Spring is also a state of mind.  It's a time of hope and optimism. A time of growth and renewal. Let's throw open the proverbially windows and let in some fresh air! And, try some new things. I'm going to London and learning Canasta!
Wishing you all a great start to this final stretch of Winter and the beginnings of Spring. It's time to BLOOM!

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Luck is believing you're lucky.
Tennessee Williams

This Month in the Garden
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In like a Lion and out like a Lamb
This is a tricky month in the garden. Some years start out with a big snowstorm, like the one above. And, some years, it doesn't. We'll just have to see what happens. 
But, usually without fail, the tulips will start to push through and announce their imminent arrival! I was a little surprised today to see some tulips already popping their heads up. Does this mean an early Spring, as was predicted on Groundhog's Day? I think it probably does. 
Stay tuned….it's always an adventure!
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Some things I'm Loving Now

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Hey, Easter Bunny
Oh, how I love Easter! 
The pretty pastel colors, the Easter baskets filled with chocolate bunnies and decorated Easter eggs, the 
Mr McGregor's garden-fresh dishes and gorgeous Spring blooms. 
Every year my table is a bit different, but you can expect to see my ceramic bunny napkin rings and touches of pink. I have some new tulip plates that I think I will debut!
We had better hop to it though, because it falls on 
March 31st this year! 
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Happy Spring -
We finally made it!!
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LivE Give
 Until next time…  xxElizabeth