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Well, Lawn Addicts have finally “pulled their finger out” to bring you our first newsletter.
Yes, It's taken its sweet time, for a couple of reasons. Primarily it is due to us wanting to do it right, but also a lack of confidence on my behalf and not wanting to spam you with rubbish “content” either.
I’m not planning to write too often, it will only annoy you and be counter productive, nor too infrequent that important application dates and events are missed.
Ultimately my aim is when I or Lawn Addicts speak, it’s worth listening too. Anyone who knows me knows I tend to shoot from the hip, my grammar and sentence structure won’t be found in any English journals, but you’ll get what I’m talking about and be sure its right.
Imagine I’m chatting to you over the counter or strolling around your property with you, the emails are not intended to be long but will be insightful.
I am bit slow off the mark with this one so we have a bit of catching up to do for this year, this is a bit like two and a half news letters rolled into one.
The Unsung Hero - Wetting Agents
Welcome First name / fellow lawn addict to the first instalment of “The Fulcrum”.
In this first edition we are looking at the importance of wetting agents and soil moisture. More specifically using Hydrolink to get the most effectiveness out of your watering, fertilising and other applications. We will also be looking at using Pre-Emergent herbicides to manage your weeds as your soil temperature begins to drop for winter.
The importance of soil moisture is often overlooked.  We all know that either too dry or too wet is a problem, but the benefits of having well balanced, well distributed moisture content can be often forgotten.
Improved water absorption.
Proper water infiltration is paramount for healthy turf. Wetting agents break down the soils surface tension, ensuring it can penetrate compacted or hydrophobic soils. This facilitates uniform moisture distribution, preventing dry spots and ensuring every square centimetre of the soil profile receives adequate hydration.
Preventing dry spots. 
Dry spots are one of the most common reasons for uneven turf growth. Regular monthly applications of wetting agents break down the hydrophobic (water repelling) particles in the soil, helping the soil maintain an even moisture availability.
Optimal nutrient and product uptake.
As nutrients are dispersed in the soil together with water and wetting agents, a deeper positioning of the moisture and nutrients occurs leading to a much higher and beneficial uptake of the nutrients leading to healthier and stronger turf with deeper roots. The same principle applies to other products like bio-stimulants and soil amendments such as Kelpro, being better positioned in the soil profile.
Better herbicide activation.
Just like with fertilisers, herbicides work most effectively when the grass, and weeds, are healthy and vigorously growing. This will lead to more of the herbicide being taken up by the plant, leading to a faster control and less runoff/leaching to non-targeted areas.
Look at our range of Hydrolink products to pick one suitable for you!

Right now is time for you to be at least planning your pre emergent application to your warm season lawn, I.e. Kikuyu, Couch/Bermuda varieties, Buffalo varieties and Zoysia varieties to name a few.  Products such as Barricade, Spartan and combination granular fertiliser /Pre Emergent products (some even suitable for Cool Season Lawn, please refer to the label).
Pre Emergent herbicides work by leaving a residual barrier in the soil profile and killing the seedling as it germinates via either the root or the shoot, depending on the active ingredient. The length of residue and position of the barrier in the soil is also dependant on the type of pre emergent and how it is used.
It is very important to position pre emergent in the soil with irrigation or precipitation soon after the application.  Because we are targeting the soil, its effectiveness is subject to the ability of the soil to take on the product,  like hydrophobic soil and compaction, hence applications with wetting agents with the recommended watering will guarantee the correct positioning in the soil.
Typically we recommend your initial application of a pre emergent at the end of summer and early autumn, it is better to be 3 weeks early than 5 minutes late.

For the Addicts keeping up with our warm season lawn plans, we're approaching Special Fex applications, and for those who use it, Primo Maxx. Be sure to check the GDD calculator to ensure you are applying Primo Maxx at an appropriate time.
For the Addicts keeping up with our cool season lawn plans, were approaching Special Fex and Phosfighter application.

A lawn addicts' yard, Tiftuf with Pure Distinction BentGrass oversow in Melbourne 
Next instalment we will be discussing insects and disease, so keep an eye out.