Dear First name / friend,
Let me tell you a little quirk about me. I get excited about this time of year, not because of the flowers, but because of the weeds. I love pulling weeds. I know, it's a bit weird, but it gives me great satisfaction. Every Spring, I enjoy putting on gloves and working to pull out the entire weed, root and all. As I tend to my yard, I look back at the areas I've worked with joy, knowing that I've helped restore beauty. 
I recently realized how our thought life is similar to my backyard in Spring. Weeds, or lies, pop up. Unfortunately, instead of recognizing them and pulling up the weeds, root and all, I tend to either pretend they don't exist or mow over them not realizing the weeds will grow back quick and soon because I didn't get the root. 
It's time to uproot some lies, again. The current lie I've been believing is that it's not okay to get angry. I had a difficult situation at work in which I stuffed and stuffed my anger until I felt like I was going to explode. I try not to get angry. To be honest, I run from it. As I look back, I did the best I could in the situation, which turned out fine. However, anger is a bit like gas…it's better out than in. So, I'm working on adding things back into my life that allow me to feel my anger and handle it constructively. 
What weed do you need to uproot this season? To quote one of my coaches and mentors, Amy Wicks, “We are all broken; we are all blowing it; the brave one does something about it.” Let's be brave and restore the beauty God intended for our lives. The first brave step is to name it. What is it?
p.s. I'd love to pray for you to get to the root of your weeds. Reply to this email for prayer requests. Or, click  here to chat. 