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Growth & Blossoming: 
Nurturing personal and spiritual growth, like the arrival of spring
As we enter the month of March and the anticipation of spring right around the corner, we find ourselves on the cusp of renewal and rebirth. March, named after Mars, the Roman god of war, paradoxically ushers us into a season of growth, renewal, and peace. It's a time when the harshness of winter begins to soften, and the promise of new beginnings is woven into the warming air. Did you know that March was once the first month of the Roman calendar? This positions March not just as a bridge to spring but as a historical beacon of new starts, making it the perfect time to set intentions for the coming year.
This month, we're embracing the spirit of March with open hearts and minds. We're excited to announce a series of classes designed to align with this energy of renewal, notably our Spring Equinox/Ostara Meditation. This special session is crafted to help you connect with the equilibrium between day and night, light and shadow, guiding you to find balance within as we step into the season of growth. It's an opportunity to sow the seeds of your intentions and watch as they blossom alongside nature's awakening.
Join us as we journey through March, a month of historical beginnings and natural rebirth, and let's embrace the transformation that awaits us both within and around. Together, let's awaken to the beauty of spring and the endless possibilities it brings.
Card Reading for the Month of March 2024
by Sue
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As I sat with the Sacred Spirit Reading Cards by Anna Stark, a whisper in the ether suggested a trio of cards to guide us this month. Intriguingly, the image captured of these cards presented their words in a mysterious blur, a deliberate choice to focus on the essence beyond the visible - a testament to the power of imagery and color in evoking deep, visceral feelings.
The moment these cards laid before me, a profound sense of expansion enveloped the room, weaving a tapestry of mind, soul, and light. This triad beckons us from the maze of overthinking to a haven of serene centeredness, mirroring the human odyssey from the confines of ego to the expansiveness of the soul. This evolution is not about the dissolution of the ego but rather its transformation into a vessel for spiritual growth, guiding us to explore the shadows within and embrace healing.
March promises to be a crucible of transformation, a time marked by astrological alignments that herald significant change. This period might stir anxiety or fear as we stand on the precipice of change, our minds wrestling with the unknown. Yet, it's a call to release resistance and embrace the potential for growth.
The inaugural card speaks to the power of our thoughts - the energy we emit and the realities we sculpt with our minds. Are our thoughts shackled by fear, or are they architects of a brighter future? March's swift energy is a reminder that our thoughts are potent seeds that can quickly bloom into reality. It challenges us to envision the world not as we fear but as we dream it to be, shifting our focus from what we wish to escape to what we yearn to create.
The second card is a soulful summons, urging us to confront our self-imposed limitations and to soar into the realms of freedom and joy that our soul knows as home. This card is an invitation to choose: Will we be prisoners of ego, or will we embrace the soul's guidance to live a life of boundless joy and freedom?
Finally, the third card bathes us in the luminous embrace of the sun, awakening us to our divine essence. March beckons us to recognize our gifts, to unearth the brilliance within, and to radiate this light forth. In shining our light, we not only liberate ourselves but also illuminate the path for others.
Meditation emerges as a vital practice this month, a simple yet profound act of reconnection with our true selves. Whether it's the joy of observing a squirrel or basking in the sun's warmth, these moments of stillness are gateways to self-discovery, self-love, and rejuvenation.
This month is poised to be a powerful catalyst, urging us to confront and transcend our inner barriers. A fresh wave of energy awaits, ready to propel us towards unexpected revelations and a deeper understanding of our true essence.
Let us embrace March with open hearts, prepared for the shifts that lie ahead. This is a time of preparation, not just for the surprises of April but for the unfolding journey of our lives. May this month be a beacon, guiding you towards profound shifts and the discovery of your luminous self.
Wishing you love, light, peace, and joy! Sue
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The Crystal Corner by Leslie Treloar
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In the realm of crystals, Moss Agate stands out as a cherished gemstone
deeply intertwined with the natural world, earning its nickname as the
"Gardener's Stone." Symbolizing growth, renewal, and stability, Moss
Agate serves as a steadfast companion on the journey of personal and
spiritual evolution. Its lush green hues and intricate patterns evoke the
verdant vitality of nature, inspiring a sense of connection and grounding in
those who embrace its energy.
At the heart of Moss Agate's symbolism lies its association with growth and
blossoming. Just as moss slowly but steadily blankets the forest floor, this
crystal encourages a gradual yet profound transformation within oneself. It
serves as a gentle reminder of the cyclical nature of life, urging us to
embrace new beginnings and embark on journeys of self-discovery with
courage and resilience. Whether nurturing a thriving garden or venturing
into uncharted territories of entrepreneurship, Moss Agate provides
unwavering support and encouragement, instilling a sense of stability and
confidence along the way.
One of the most enchanting aspects of Moss Agate is its ability to
harmonize with the energy of spring, a season synonymous with renewal
and rejuvenation. As nature awakens from its slumber, so too does the
human spirit, eager to embark on new adventures and pursuits.
Incorporating Moss Agate into a spring crystal grid can amplify this sense
of vitality and growth, creating a sacred space imbued with the essence of
flourishing life. Arrange the stones in a pattern that resonates with your
intentions, whether it's fostering creativity, cultivating abundance, or simply
reconnecting with the natural world. Allow the energy of Moss Agate to
infuse your intentions with its gentle yet potent vibrations, guiding you along
the path of growth and transformation.
In essence, Moss Agate serves as a tangible reminder of the innate
wisdom and resilience found within the natural world. By aligning ourselves
with its grounding presence, we can navigate life's twists and turns with
grace and determination, knowing that we are supported by the abundant
energy of the earth. Embrace the power of Moss Agate as you embark on
your own journey of growth and blossoming, and witness the magic unfold
in every aspect of your life.
Here's an affirmation to use this month!
"I am rooted in the present, nourished by the past, and blossoming into my future with grace and strength."
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In this month's newsletter, we are thrilled to introduce a new section that is very close to our hearts—"The Reading Corner". At Blossoming into Light Ministry, we believe in the transformative power of reading, a practice that not only enriches our minds but also nourishes our souls. It's a window to new worlds, ideas, and insights, aligning beautifully with our journey of spiritual growth and self-discovery. 
Through "The Reading Corner," we wish to share with you the books that are currently on our reading list, those that have captivated our attention and sparked joy, reflection, or even revelation in our lives. Whether these books are about personal development, spirituality, or unlocking the secrets of the universe, we're excited to explore them alongside you. Join us as we turn the pages of these fascinating reads, inviting you to find inspiration, wisdom, and perhaps a new perspective on your own path of enlightenment and fulfillment.
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Upcoming March Classes
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Click on the image to go to the brief survey to provide your feedback on our newsletter!
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A quick peak at April (all of these are via Zoom) & more to come!
Reiki Level III - via Zoom, Saturday, April 6, 2024, 12:00 – 4:00 pm
Spiritual Acceleration Class, Mon Eve, April 8, 2024, 7:00 - 8:30 pm 
Reiki Level I, Thurs Eve, April 11, 2024, 6:00 - 10:00 pm 
Special Group Attunement & Meditation, Sun, April 14, 2024, 3:00 - 4:30 pm
Monthly Group Attunement & Meditation, Mon, April 22, 2024, 7:00 - 8:45 pm
Unveiling the Divine Feminine: The Art of Sacred Self Care, Tuesday Eve, April 30, 2024, 7:00 - 9:00 pm.
We'll be at the Heart of Oneness Expo on the weekend of Friday, Saturday and Sunday, April 5th - 7th!  We have a surprise for that weekend to be announced on April 4th.
Be sure to stop by and see us!
Our talk is on Sunday.
We'll be offering a past life meditation at our booth.
20 minute guided meditation to connect with 
one of your past lives. $30 for 20 minute.
thank you for being here!
xo, Leslie & Sue
