Hi First name / My Rising Vibe friend, 🤗
Brace yourself for another lunar tale! The allure of the full moon never fails to captivate me. I find it fascinating how each month's lunar cycle impacts our energies, from the gravitational tug-of-war to the cosmic dance of the planets. Every full moon affects us differently, depending on the sign and planets involved.
During last night's Virgo full moon, also known as the snow moon, we were presented with an opportunity to let go of thoughts or beliefs that don't align with our core values.
Virgo, an Earth sign, blesses us with the gift of discernment, helping us distinguish what is important and true from what is not.
It’s common to experience heightened emotions or feelings of overwhelm when the moon is lit up in the night sky, so it was no surprise that I struggled to sleep on Friday night.  
The previous day had been filled with unexpected drama, and I didn't realize its impact until the middle of the night when I started feeling an overwhelming sense of anxiety. It took a restless night and a great deal of self-reflection through journaling and tapping  to uncover the deeper message behind my emotions.
Life has a way of repeating patterns until we finally understand their impact and take steps towards what truly aligns with our core values and well-being. 
It's almost like being faced with a choice between Door #1 or Door #2, with each offering a different path. 
Our instincts often lean towards the familiar, choosing to walk through the same door, even if it doesn't serve our highest good. This tendency stems from our innate aversion to uncertainty. We naturally gravitate towards the familiar, even if it leads to suffering, because the mind seeks certainty above all else.
This recent experience served as a wake-up call from my higher self, urging me to choose a different path this time. It highlighted the need for healing around how I perceive myself and the boundaries I set with others.  
There's an old wound of feeling unworthy that still requires attention. This experience served as a gentle reminder to be kind to myself and expect better treatment from others.
While expressing ourselves and asserting our needs can be intimidating, facing difficult emotions head-on frees up stuck energy and makes room for new and exciting experiences to enter our lives.
This is the beautiful energy of the full moon; it reveals the unhealed parts of ourselves. Although it may feel uncomfortable as our minds and bodies process old wounds, once the energy passes through us, a higher message is revealed.
The message I received from my higher self was this:
Conflict allows us to see multiple perspectives in a situation. It’s when we should step away from the drama and strive to understand instead of being understood.
During the full moon, as it illuminates the sky, it’s an ideal time for self-discovery and exploring the parts of ourselves and others we usually ignore. Carl Jung, the renowned psychologist, explored this concept with his idea of the Shadow Self.
"Accepting and healing ourselves requires us to acknowledge the darker corners of our minds," writes Jung. "The Shadow Self represents our inner darkness—the suppressed desires, unhealed wounds, and hidden aspects that we keep from the world."
Jung believed that the shadow self plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts, actions, and relationships. Rather than fearing it, we should embrace and understand it.
Self-discovery demands courage, patience, and self-compassion, but the rewards can be profound. 
As we enjoy the final glow of the Virgo full moon, let’s embrace and love all the parts of ourselves that define who we are.   
….. until next time many many sweet blessings.
Love + Wellness to You!
p.s. Want to share the love? Forward this to a friend so they can join in. 
You rock!



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