Your ambition is not your downfall.
Your eagerness is not annoying.
Listen, First name / Friend, those goals you have?
They matter.
They aren’t there by accident.
Your ambition? It is not annoying. It’s beautiful. It’s God-given. And it’s meant to be used for His glory and your good!
It’s time to stop playing small. It’s time to stop white-knuckling it. It’s time to seek God’s will and to trust in His perfect timing and provision.
It’s time to stop believing the lie that you have to sacrifice Kingdom values to reach your goals - or - that your goals aren’t worth reaching in the first place.
It’s time to take faithful steps forward with intentionality and surrender.
You have important work to do!
This is a tiny excerpt from my new website which is NEARLY DONE 😱 I'm blown away.
I know I shared a little bit about it in my last email, but once everything clicked - it's all taken off so quickly! I am eager. I am excited.
Like Ross Geller's love of saltwater taffy level excited!
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As I was describing my vision for what's coming next with Batman (aka my husband) for the work I want to do and the ways I hope to bring this all to fruition he said, “Well, that sounds more like a ministry than a business.”
To which I immediately responded, “Everything is ministry.”
And if I had to sum up all of the work I do whether it's the work of building a business, nurturing a relationship, or keeping house - it's ALL an opportunity for ministry.
It's all an opportunity to allow the outpouring of your devotion to Christ to shine.
It's all worship - and notice how frequently worship leads to the salvation of others in scripture. (Start with reading Acts 16.)
We can all agree that the business industry is one of, if not THE most influential and impactful spheres in our culture today.
Business shapes culture. Changes mind. Impacts lives.
Now imagine if more Christians took up space in that sphere.
Imagine the kind of freedom, rest, and peace the rest of the world could experience all by God's grace alone - if we simply did good work and loved people as Jesus loves us.
What if we stopped compartmentalizing our work from our church from our home and instead saw it all as different outlets for the same great work - enjoying time with our Savior and sharing that joy with everyone?
That's why I am so passionate about equipping Christian entrepreneurs to grow businesses with intentionality and surrender. 
It’s my mission to see more Christian entrepreneurs, like you, lead in that space with humility and intentionality.
To see God’s name proclaimed in our homes, in our everyday work, in everyday conversations, and in the way we approach reaching our goals.
I want to see you thrive for the Glory of the King and the betterment of yourself, your family, and your clients! I know you want that too!
Which is why I'm doubling down on my work. I am following my own advice - walking the walk if you will.
I'm seeking Christ more and more.
I'm clarifying my messaging.
I'm refocusing.
It's not that I'm changing everything as I relaunch - it's that I'm releasing the version of my work that I believe it was always meant to be.
And I cannot wait!
Thank you so much for being here with me as I do, First name / Friend.
If you aren't already subscribed to my podcast, now would be a great time to! That way when I release the new episodes - you won't miss a thing! remember that it's still titled “The Business Brewery” but will be changing to “More Than Ambition” soon!
Thank you so much for helping me select my new podcast cover!!! The winner was a close tie between two - but in the end, this landed on top!
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With intentionality & surrender,
*As an Amazon Associate I earn from Qualifying Purchases.
At no cost to you, I've officially earned $0.84 😅
