A sort of weekly random newsletter to
celebrate work, rest, and play!

First name / Friend, I just finished recording four episodes for More Than Ambition, and I'm giddy about it!
(Not sure what I'm talking about - you can catch up here.)
The launch date is approaching fast! I'm equal parts thrilled and nervous. We'll be diving right into strategic planning when I launch, and it absolutely lights me up!!
I get super nerdy about strategy in all its forms - especially strategic planning. I start to talk so fast that I lose my breath and trip over my words - in my own wonderfully chaotic way. It's very Jessica Day of me, really.
This is the first edition of The Weeklyish - A sort of weekly wonderfully random newsletter to celebrate work, rest, and play.
It's gonna be fun!
My only plan is to share with you things I've found valuable, hilarious, or encouraging. You ready!? 👇🏾
Truly. I ordered a size large because I wanted an oversized fit - then I immediately ordered a size medium when the 1st one arrived. They are that freaking wonderful! I would suggest ordering your usual size if you want a slightly oversized fit and go a size up if you want a baggy fit.
WARNING: You're gonna want one in every size and color. GET IT HERE.
(At the time I am writing this they are 50% off!!😱)
I've been working my way through this for two years now. Not because I am studying extra deeply - but because daily consistency is hard, yo! That said I'm enjoying this resource more than any other biblical resource I've ever used. Each day Tara-Leigh Cobble summarizes what you just read and helps you to see how it fits into the big-picture narrative of the Bible. If you buy/do only one thing from this email - let it be this one.
(My brother and Sister-in-law bought me the fancy leather-bound version for Christmas and it makes me so happy! - Get That One HERE)
Did you know it's a legal requirement that you have a Privacy Policy on your website? And for most business owners it's also a requirement to have Website Terms & Conditions. So many people miss this one and with the rise of online businesses people are cracking down on this more and more! And saying, “I didn't know” won't cut it.
I have recommended The Contract Shop to every client I've ever worked with! The Contract Shop offers attorney-made legal templates, like Privacy Policies, client contracts, and more.
I have purchased several from them over the years!
They are so simple, so straightforward, and so easy to implement.

That's all for today! Some weeks I'll send you fun resources and recommendations, some weeks I'll tell you a story or a lesson I've learned, and some weeks I'll forget about it altogether. It'll be fun!
Let me know if any of these will be added to your wishlist, First name / Friend! :)
With intentionality & surrender,
*As an Amazon Associate I earn from Qualifying Purchases.
At no cost to you, I've officially earned $0.84 😅
p.s. Thanks for being here, First name / Friend !! I'll be launching More Than Ambition in early March. (You're the first I've told that too!) Would you please do me a favor and ask God to bless me with endurance, humility, and discernment as I work toward this goal? That in all of it He would be glorified above all.
Thank you!
