The April 2024 Member Monthly
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Welcome to April ~
Raising your vibration (your general spiritual and emotional mood) can help you align with your highest and best path.
Your vibration is your general energetic state - you can often tell what your vibration is by noting how you’re feeling (your mood) at any moment. 
When you get skilled at managing your vibration, which is the goal of this month, you can feel great regardless of outside circumstances as you can have a greater level of control of your inner mood and thoughts.
Raising your vibration can be empowering, as it gives you a greater control of your life experience and personal vantage point. 
One of the best parts is that your high vibrational energy can rub off on the energy of those around you, increasing the vibration/mood of the immediate collective consciousness in your space.
One great way to start raising your vibration is to simply pause and notice how you feel at various points in the day. 
If you notice yourself feeling negatively, consciously shift by choosing thoughts that are more positive minded and see if your vibe changes with it.
Increasing your vibration is fun, but it requires a willingness to make mindset changes, see things different and shift your outlook. 
You often need to up-level your perspective on your life, people or the temporary situations in it.
Before getting into the nitty gritty of “how to” increase your vibration and more on benefits to you for doing it, below are some supporting elements to assist on your journey:

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4/1: Mercury Retrograde
Mercury is the Planet of Communication.
When it’s in retrograde, think more mindfully about communications before they’re sent, including how they may be perceived by and their potential impact on others.
Make sure all your I’s are dotted and T’s are crossed when signing contracts or in commerce/business deals. Give special, detailed, careful review to any binding agreements, think everything through.
4/8: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries
New Moons are typically periods of new beginnings, and Eclipses amplify any energy they appear around.
Aries is a fire sign, that is the first sign of the Zodiac New Year.
This new beginning energy and the fiery, passionate, kickstarter Aries energy, is spiritually a big opportunity for life to take on a potentially surprisingly new direction.
4/19: Sun Enters Taurus
Happy Birthday Taurians! Taurus energy is associated with groundedness, practicality and prosperity.
This period of the Zodiac wheel can support you in making wise financial decisions and in ensuring all your decisions have a study foundation, rooted strongly in reality. Taurus season is a great time to finalize choices related to your increased stability and security.
4/23: Full Moon in Scorpio
Full Moons are often times of releasing and letting go, and Scorpio is an intuitive water sign in the Zodiac known for regeneration, life, death and rebirth.
This Full Moon can indicate an ideal time to let go of outdated emotional perspectives, outlooks and ways of being so you can fully transform into your next level of growth.
4/25: Mercury Goes Direct
When Mercury goes direct, it signals a time that communications between parties and in partnerships will flow more smoothly.
If you were waiting to sign a contract or purchase a large piece of equipment that assists with communication, like a computer or telephone, you now have the green light

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This month, the card reading will be an Embrace, Accept and Let Go reading. These are great for moments of uncertainty or for navigating situations that cause anxiety.
This spread encourages embracing the current situation for what it is, accepting what you can’t change and letting go of unnecessary burdens. It’s a spread for cultivating inner harmony and resilience in the face of life’s challenges.
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To start this reading, we’ll be using the Light Codes Oracle Cards, which were sent to me by the author to share with you. These cards are energy healing symbols (sometimes called sigils), perfect for raising your vibration.
Inhale, exhale and think of one situation that arises as a source of uncertainty or anxiety.
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Gamma is the card that appears for the Embrace aspect of this reading. It represents connecting to source, opening channels of light, to break through and dissolve barriers.
Whatever your current struggle is, Gamma reminds you there is another perspective to view this situation from, other choices you can make and that other solutions will soon present themselves. 
This card’s message is that there is positive intent in every situation and the challenge is finding it. Even if life has dished out less than ideal circumstances, there is potential for positive gain here. 

Choose to be the spark of light in any dark space - notice something beautiful, find something that makes you laugh. Travel the path of Self Love and don’t be so hard on yourself. Gamma offers you strength and stamina to clear any obstacle towards approaching your joy.
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Kahlsi’s message is that we are all interconnected, and in your internal connectedness, be mindful of your inner dialogue that others can perceive, even when unspoken.
Your internal dialogue and the actions that result from it are both connected to the Quantum Field we all exist in, so in a sense, nothing we say, do or feel is ever secret - it is all known on some level.
Remember that every action you take should come from the Heart and keep in mind the goal should always be to open to deeper states of Love, to inspire and uplift others.
Kahlsi’s message is that time to bring your integrity to a new level. 
When life is filled with trials and troubles, in states of stress, it’s easy to operate from less than your fullest level of integrity. Don’t settle for this default method. Dig deep, tap into your brilliance, ground yourself and deliver excellence every day.

To connect with Kahlsi’s message, use the mantra “I am open now to receiving upgrades of Love, respect, honor and gratitude for my highest good and for the highest good of all.”
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Let Go
Hydahama reminds you that although life offers many obstacles to overcome, it doesn’t serve you to be closed off in fear or hate. Keep an open mind and heart, so you can adopt multiple different perspectives.
Express compassion and truth in all your dealings, releasing fear and hate for any party involved.
Our ego will try to create stories with false truths, that adds to confusion, pain and suffering. Let go of the mind’s stories that include guilt, shame and blame, causing torture in your mind and torture for those these stories are projected upon.

This sigil reminds you to free yourself from lower vibrations, and hold a place of pure truth in your Heart. Here, you can experience the chaos and complications of life, while acting in harmony with your environment.
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Overall Message
There is another, higher perspective to view your current situation from and don’t give up because other opportunities will soon present themselves. 
As you navigate this situation, travel the path of self love - don’t be hard on yourself and rise to a new level of integrity in all your daily dealings. 
When you bring your aligned integrity to your everyday circumstances, your Heart’s intent, thoughts and vibration will be perceived by those in your Quantum Field, and this can help things go more favorably your way.
Take some time to let go of hate, fear and the mind’s stories of wrongdoing, guilt, shame and blame. Leave room for the clarity of Love in your heart, where your emotions can be still, mind can be at ease and the body quiet, yet alert.

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LIVE Workshop
When: Thursday, April 3rd, 7:00 - 8:30 pm ET
During this workshop, we’ll be practicing activities to identity and calibrate your vibration at will, raise your vibration to connect with Spirit and align your vibration to your highest soul’s light so you can improve your mood, connect to your Higher Self and interact with others in the physical and non-physical from a place of pure positive energy.
To register, add your name and email to the link above. Registration provides you with your call-in link via email. All you need to participate is internet access and a working audio connection!
Workshop registration is included in your Membership subscription, so there is no additional fee to register, but you do have to officially register to attend live.

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The Astonishing Power of Emotions
Let Feelings Be Your Guide
This book is all about how to guide your feelings to a higher vibration place. It discusses the vibrational nature of reality, aligning your thoughts to the flow of life, and how to align your feelings in specific challenging life circumstances. 

To begin this month, start by watching the Increasing Your Vibration Journey Welcome Video, then head to the Lesson & Exercises to learn more and begin practicing!
Amanda Linette Meder
2024 The Membership