Hey First name / friend,
I’m turning 40 this year and it’s the most excited I’ve been about a birthday in a long time. 
This excitement has nothing to do with a big party or the actual birthday itself, but rather the motivation it’s given me to create a list of all the things I want to look forward to this year. 
My list is called 40 in 40—40 things I want to do in my 40th year, and it’s divided into 4 categories: Self Care, New Experiences, Family and Business. 
The items on the list are wide and varied. I’m talking everything from learning to do a chin-up at the gym (a girl’s gotta dream 😂), taking a pottery class and a golf lesson (probably not at the same time 😉), camping with the family at 3 new campgrounds, opening up 2 more of my Marketing Accountability Group Coaching Circles, booking in one professional development opportunity for myself every month and many more. 
The only criteria for inclusion was that doing or accomplishing the items on this list had to bring me joy. 
Here’s just a few things I’ve done in February that were a part of items on my list:
  • Attended Disco Club (A women-only night at the pub dancing. HEAVEN!)
  • Saw more live music (I went to Pink and Taylor Swift this month!)
  • Bought a surfboard (Now I need to learn to stand up on it…)
  • Went to an adult ballet class (I signed up for a term)
  • Did 2 minutes in an ice bath
  • Locked in a builder for our house renovation. (EEK!)
  • Increased the monthly wage I pay myself from my business.
  • Attended a 2-day training about hosting live online events.
(🔐 Side note: I also learnt to change a front door lock, and while that wasn’t on the original list, it damn well should have been, because it’s by far my greatest accomplishment this year. 😂)
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Last night I was reflecting on what was making me actually do these things for a change? Many of them I had been intending to do for years but had constantly shuffled them down the priority list. “Other things are more important. I’ll get to that later.” 
The answer struck me clear as day: ACCOUNTABILITY. 
I’ve told everyone about my 40 in 40 list, from friends and family to the women in my business accountability circle. As a result, they regularly ask me how it’s going and whether I’ve crossed any additional items off. Even my kids are in on it! I’m being held accountable. 
Sure, some of these items might seem trivial on the surface but it’s not necessarily about buying the surfboard or sitting in the ice bath. It’s about the momentum and motivation it’s giving me.
Every item struck off the list—or a step towards accomplishing one—brings excitement and joy. It leaves me seeking out the next opportunity or challenge. What learning opportunity can I register for this month? Which campground shall we book for the next holidays? Which gym sessions will I register for this week? 
In his book, Atomic Habits, James Clear tells us that “Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become”. He talks about a simple two-step process:
  1. Decide the type of person you want to be.
  2. Prove it to yourself with small wins.
Making progress to cross off the items on this list are my small wins, and the people I’m surrounded by are my in-built accountability mechanism.
So let’s narrow the conversation and look at this specifically from a marketing perspective for a moment:
  • How can you start setting yourself up for small wins that will give you more momentum when it comes to your marketing?
  • Who is going to help hold you accountable to strive for those wins?
Having marketing goals is great. But it’s the systems and processes that help you make progress on these goals that really matter and make a difference
Accountability isn't just about keeping track; it's about having a supportive environment where your marketing goals aren't just ideas but wins waiting to happen.
Have a great week, 
p.s If all goes to plan, this weekend I will tick another item of my 40 in 40 List by running my first half marathon. Why am I telling you this? #Accountability. (And I might regret it! 😂🏃‍♀️) 
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