In my six years serving on the Board of Doctors for America, I have had the pleasure of working alongside many of you and watching proudly as the work we have accomplished makes a genuine difference in the lives of our patients. It is truly a delight to come to you now as the Chair of the Board.
As our work continues to Reclaim the Voice of Medicine, I am reminded of why I came to DFA in the first place. As a medical student, I was drawn to this community– an organization without the hierarchy I had quickly grown accustomed to within the hospital. Here, a student has the same leadership opportunities as an attending or retired physician. Not separated into different sections or branches depending on career level, all voices and ideas are respected at any degree of training. Unlike other physician organizations and societies whose advocacy efforts often include workforce and professional promotion, Doctors for America is the only advocacy organization truly dedicated exclusively to our patients and their communities, advancing the issues that impact them most greatly.
In 2024, DFA is in its most established period yet. Our Year End Campaign set a new DFA record with unprecedented fundraising. The creation of our Governance and Sustainability Committees built atop our strong foundation to bring even more stability and growth to our organization. Our reproductive rights advocacy has been elevated to the highest court in the country, further establishing DFA as a premiere voice in health policy. I look forward to continuing this work and pushing us even further as your Board Chair.
With that in mind, I will be hosting quarterly Doctors’ Lounge listening sessions. These will be opportunities to share feedback, learn from each other, and engage with the work of our Board more directly. Our first session will be held in April. Stay tuned for further details. I look forward to seeing you there.
Thank you for being my advocacy home and for all of the work that you do to propel DFA forward.
Christine Petrin, MD, MPH
Board Chair, Doctors for America Board of Directors