VOL. 7
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Warning. This is going to be a big SELF-AWARENESS newsletter this week. If you're new here, welcome. ◡̈ 
We exited luteal real quick and went straight into depre. So let's talk about it. 
I found myself in a pretty intense comparison cycle last week – not acknowledging the wins I've been having or the goals I've been marking ‘complete’. From Instagram, to the group chat, I've been feeling this sense of “not-enough-ness”, where despite all I'm doing, it's not enough.
And yesterday, I was sitting next to someone who leaned over to share with me that she's never been satisfied, never been content. 
RIGHT?! I know.
We were talking about goals we had, both personal and professional, and when she said that, my immediate reaction was GASP GIRL, and then I checked in and realized I often don't feel satisfied or content my damn self. 
Why is satisfaction such a marker for us?
Satisfied with the work we put out..
Satisfied with the success we've achieved..
Satisfied with the decisions we've made..
Why is it never enough?
The question that keeps coming to me is:
And while I could say, most likely, because I'll find something to be unsatisfied about.
The reality is, why do others' wins affect my own acknowledgment/wins/successes? 
And it dawned on me – this is residual #girlboss era still in my millennial soul. I entered my career right before the girlboss era became a part of my experience. And so entering my mid-20's, peak career, I was surrounded by this hustle culture, “seat at the table” (but really, there's only ONE seat), ‘grind til you die’ energy. I even built my first business around it – our tagline was ‘Women Who Hustle.’

Photo of my manifesto, for ref. 
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All this to say – I'm coming from an existence that while I'm sure well-intended, created an environment where being SOOOOO busy meant you're successful and grinding til 3am meant you were a ‘REAL ENTREPRENEUR’. 
So while this is no longer how I feel about being a ‘preneur, there’s some of that millennial pink essence close by. And sometimes it can feel like such a fine line when showing up online, in this era, in this state of mind, in this way. 
All this to say – I don't think I'm alone in this feeling of wanting to be chill, wanting to have ease, while feeling the residual effects of a dead era. And if you relate, these are a few new principles I'm instilling in my day-to-day to really work through a notion I no longer subscribe to:
  • Be the room. We are no longer pulling up seats to ambiguous tables. The table doesn't fucking exist so can we rid of it all together? Create the container for change because what we aren't doing is relying on systems to set them up for us. They never served us to begin with.
  • Hustle for who? Social media will really have us out here thinking that we're fucking up, that we're not doing it right. The reality is, NO ONE HAS IT RIGHT. The algorithm will school you real quick. We'll have moments of heightened response, we'll have moments of crickets. But choosing to grind because we're completing with *@HUSTLEMAMI and *@GRINDTILURIPGIRLIE will 10/10 result in burnout. We create the journey we want to see. And if you need a real reminder – go back to your values. They are your North Star for how you function in business.
    Fundraisers, need not apply. That is still a complex industry and unless you're willing to crowdfund, fundraising will likely require hustling.
  • Choose respect. This means respecting yourself AND respecting your community, patrons and team. The girlboss era really had us choosing a TOXIC way of being – as if creating a masculine energy will churn out more results. lol. It won't so let's try respecting our energy, our people's time and the projects we're so ambitiously eager to crank out.
  • BSFR. I know you see it, I know we're all aware of it. What up Jay Shetty – but what we aren't going to do is perpetuate expertise and experience as justification for leadership. We can create revenue streams without catfishing our community. This is also why I'll tell you every single time to niche + expand; find the thing that you LEAD at and KNOW others WANT. From there, grow your offerings. Being the expert in your niche will convert you genuinely more than being a generalist in your offers.
FUCK 🍯: The concept of Third places. I know that in America, it's very challenging to have a Third Place because most spaces require money to access spaces (outside of home + work, where you don't spend cash). I've been using my weekly walks as my third place, and I'm focused on finding more for myself, despite living in a non-walkable city. I fuck with this concept because it reminds me to think outside of the usual. Doing my 40 Hour series helped me to get out of the house, which required me to really process other spaces to stay inspired and outside of my overthinking brain.
MARRY 💍: The genius that is Marta. This woman really said – “oh you're gonna lay me off? Hold my macbook." This is what powerful personal branding looks like. She's not offering her services as a video editor, content creator. She's still looking to be hired as a Product Marketing Manager. So she put the work in to showcase exactly how she'll do that for you (insert really cool business that sees Marta's worth). This post already has 125K likes, 4.6K reposts 😱 alongside almost 7K comments. That's a big deal, no matter what platform you're on. This was one week ago, so curious what happens with Marta from here.
KILL 🔪: “I did a thing” announcements. Hear me out though – I think it's so important to promote what we're doing, what we're creating but gah damn, every single time I see it on my feed, and go and look at their profile and there's NO STORYTELLING about said “thing”, I cringe. People buy from people. People want other people to win. And when you decide to just randomly post you DID something and you're hoping something happens from it (rsvp, engage, purchase, etc), it completely disregards the intended audience. Don't make me bring up ReesaTeesa again… we were glued y'all. And why? Stories matter. Whatever comes for Reesa, we want her to win and we'll be there to see it happen. So pls, I beg of you, build in a marketing strategy that puts the story at the forefront.
See you next week.
Head Coach,