Excited to announce the new:
 Strengths & Strategy 1:1 Coaching Container. 

You may have seen on social media some inklings of an announcement coming about my new offering… Well, it's here, and I'm so excited to share it with you. 
Happy March, Y'all. Another month, another opportunity to take a leap of faith and lean into the desire to define what you want out of life & career, and take action toward making that life a reality - this time, through the lens of your CliftonStrengths®!
As you may [or may not] know, in December 2022 I was certified through Gallup™ as a Clifton Global Strengths Coach. A CliftonStrengths Coach through Gallup is someone specially trained and certified by Gallup to guide individuals and teams in understanding and utilizing their CliftonStrengths®. These coaches are equipped with the knowledge and tools to:
  • Uncover Strengths: They help people identify their top CliftonStrengths® using assessments and coaching conversations.
  • Develop Strengths: They assist individuals in understanding how their strengths manifest and how to use them effectively.
  • Apply Strengths: They coach clients on strategies to leverage their strengths for goal setting, career development, and overall success.
In essence, a CliftonStrengths Coach through Gallup acts as a guide to help people translate their strengths into actionable steps for personal and professional growth.
Since obtaining that certification I have had the pleasure of doing Whole Human Strengths sessions with so many amazing people – and it has quickly become my favorite thing to do!  So – that love, combined with the need I've been seeing for people to receive more support in how to best utilize their strengths long term has led to the creation of my newest (and very exciting) offering, the Strengths & Strategy 1:1 Coaching Container! 
One thing I've noticed in working with clients on strengths is that while the process of learning about your strengths is amazing and powerful, translating that knowledge into action can be tricky. 
So as I've been working with my long-term clients this year, we have been incorporating strengths conversations into our coaching, and seeing them implement that knowledge into their lives and work has been transformational. With my clients who just did a Whole Human Strengths Session, I noticed that they were getting all the benefits of learning about their strengths, but none of the continued support. So… that got me thinking
How could I provide the continuing support of understanding your strengths, implementing that knowledge in life, work and relationships, and the ability to problem solve using your strengths, without the need for a full-time coaching commitment for people? Enter Strengths & Strategy 12-Month Coaching Container! Less frequency of meeting, deeper dives when we do, and a longer commitment focused on setting intentional goals, and utilizing your strengths to achieve them more quickly and with less resistance. 
Okay, Tell me more!
The Details: 
12 Month Container with deep dive sessions to kick-off, and 2-3hr sessions quarterly to check-in and improve goals, actions and intentions. 
Session Breakdown: 
  • Whole Human Strengths Session [Kick-off] 
    • Review of your CliftonStrengths® 34 Report, Deep dive into your strengths, how they show up for you, and understanding how to lean into & support your strengths over time. 
  • Intentional Goal Setting Session
    • Setting Intentions and goals for the coming year, broken down by quarters and into intentional actions based on your strengths. 
  • Quarterly Deep Dive Check-in's 
    • Reviewing Progress to Goals, modify goals as necessary, review current challenges and barriers and understand how strengths can support and improve your outcomes. 
There are 4 spots available for Strengths and Strategy 1:1 Coaching Quarterly. Onboarding begins Mid-March, and Kick-off is in April. 
see you soon, friend!
Jean Madison