Hi First name / My Rising Vibe friend, 🤗
As I sit at my desk, surrounded by the yummy scents of tangerine and eucalyptus from my diffuser, I find myself drawn to the card resting on my desk. It amazes me how easily we overlook the little things, like the well-chosen words captured on a simple card, when we become consumed by the busyness of life.
Looking back on last weekend, which felt like a whirlwind of drama, I realize I didn't give my anniversary card the appreciation it deserved. Now, I imagine the person who carefully crafted it, selecting the perfect design and words to express the emotions my husband wanted to share. 
As I stare at a blank screen, I can't help but feel in “awe” at the care that went into choosing this beautifully crafted card. It's funny how something so simple can evoke such deep emotions of love and gratitude.  This leads me to the key message of this week's newsletter: the mindset of awe and wonder.  
I recently listened to an inspiring podcast hosted by one of my favorite mindset coaches, Jim Kwik. The episode focused on the science of awe and its profound impact on our lives.
I love how the universe always seems to bring the right nuggets of knowledge to my doorstep, aligning perfectly with the themes in my life.
As I seek to gain new insights for my upcoming book about tennis mindset, particularly addressing the unique challenges women face, I find that everyday life often feels like a game of mental determination and emotional resilience.
When we align ourselves with our inner wisdom, we can easily tap into a state of flow where the mind and body are in perfect harmony. Embracing the ebb and flow of life and being fully present in each moment is truly a beautiful experience.
The podcast features Dacher Keltner, Professor of Psychology at UC Berkeley and founder of the Greater Good Science Center. Keltner's insights into the power of wonder and curiosity inspired me, and I'm excited to share key takeaways with you.
In his book titled "The Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life," Keltner explores how cultivating wonder and curiosity can reduce stress and inflammation in the body.
Take, for example, the experience of a breathtaking sunset with gorgeous shades of gold and pink in the sky. In that moment, our minds are awe-struck, our hearts filled with pure joy, and our bodies immersed in the beauty of the world around us.
This feeling is like the well-known “flow” state that athletes, musicians, and artists often experience, marked by intense focus and boundless creativity.
Embracing wonder and curiosity motivates us to make a positive difference in the world, especially when dealing with today's challenges. Keltner's research shows that feeling awe boosts vagal tone, which helps our organs work better, lowers inflammation, and improves our health overall.
The Vagus nerve plays a vital role in the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation and restorative functions in the body. When the Vagus nerve is activated, it signals various organs, including the heart, lungs, and digestive system, to induce a state of calm.
How do we bring more wonder into our lives? Especially now, with many young people struggling with mental health issues, it's crucial to find ways to nurture curiosity and peace of mind.
Understanding the profound impact of awe on our physical and mental well-being, it becomes essential to incorporate awe-inspiring moments into our daily lives. Whether connecting with nature, immersing ourselves in music or dance, practicing meditation or breathwork, or engaging in any activity that sparks wonder and creativity, cultivating awe is within our reach.
How do you cultivate awe in your life? 
I'd love to hear from you! Please share your thoughts, experiences, and any awe-inspiring moments you've had recently.
….. until next time many many sweet blessings.
Love + Wellness to You!
p.s. Want to share the love? Forward this to a friend so they can join in. 
You rock!



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