I've been offering a service in the background for about a year, but I haven't made a public announcement because I was fine tuning every aspect to make it the very best it could be. I'm THRILLED to announce that I am offering…
In this service, you get a full shopping cart, built specifically for YOUR body in YOUR season and in YOUR Clothing Personality! After filling out a survey to help me hone in on what you and your closet needs, I will get to work! I will compile 20-25 items that fulfill all you've been looking for but have been unable to find. The best part is…you don't have to leave your home or even jump on a video call!
A week after your survey's scheduled due date, you'll receive a personal shopping package in your email inbox. I'll include a photo visual of all of the items I've shopped for you, so you can picture your colors and style at once. You'll also receive links to the exact pieces I've found.
BUT THERE'S A BONUS! Because you have the added bonus of me being your personal makeup guru, I also include links to non-HOC season-specific makeup that you've been looking for to add to your makeup bag and make your look complete!
The photo below gives you a sneak peek into what to expect in your
personal shopping package. Your “Shopped Looks” page will be tailored
to your season and clothing personality.