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Ari Affirmations
I am capable of achieving my wellness goals, one step at a time.
I am worthy of taking time for myself and prioritizing my health.
I listen to my body's needs and treat it with love and care.
Happy Monday, boo!
Today, I want to talk about medication.
We live in a world where we are led to believe that prescriptions are the only answer to all our health challenges – the aches, the pains, the illnesses, etc.
Nah. Nope. No ma'am.
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As a certified health and fitness coach, here's what I want to remind you:
Medicine is not always found in a bottle.

Exercise is medicine.
Laughter is medicine.
Sleep is medicine.
Food is medicine.
Meditation is medicine.

My 47-year old client, Claudine, a HR Tech Executive, is proof of that.

4 months ago, she sent me this message:

“Ari, I need your help! I was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure and was told that I’d need to go on medication. This is my worst nightmare after seeing so many of family members need to rely on pills. I asked my doctor to give me two months to work on reducing it without medication. I KNOW I can do it. I just don’t know where to start and something’s telling me you can help make it happen before my next appt. 😬”

And we made it happen (I call this my ‘Skills Before Pills’ approach).

We went back to the basics and addressed the root cause of her health challenges using my 28-Day LEAN Program. This included a routine where:

She exercised regularly.
She ate healthier meals.
She got more sleep.
She reduced her stress levels.
She did things that brought her joy.
She lost weight.

…and more. :)

And two months later, I received this message:

“ Ariiii! I just walked out of the doctor’s office and had to update you right away! My blood pressure is significantly lower and my doctor was impressed. He said to keep doing what I’m doing - no medication needed. I can’t thank you enough!”

So here is my message to you, boo:
Medication (if needed) should complement a healthy lifestyle, not replace it. Of course, there will be times when medication is necessary and even life-saving. But be sure to master the basics to be proactive about your health. Don't wait until something is wrong and requires a doctors visit.
Tips For Mastering The Basics With a Busy Schedule
Move Your Body
I get it. Squeezing in workouts when you have a lot on your plate can feel like mission impossible, but it doesn't have to be. Instead of stressing over long workout sessions, find small pockets of time to move your body throughout the day. Take the stairs, schedule a walking meeting, or do a quick workout during your lunch break. Trust me, every little bit counts.
Fuel Your Energy
I know grabbing a fast-food is tempting when life is life-ing. But fueling your body with unhealthy foods isn't going to help you conquer the day. So, I encourage you to get real about your meal prep. Spend a bit of time over the weekend chopping veggies, cooking grains, and prepping healthy snacks (keep it simple - it doesn't have to be a 4-hour marathon). That way, when the weekday chaos hits, you'll have nutritious meals ready to go. Oh, and don't forget to treat yourself, too — balance is key, boo!
Stress Less
Stress happens, but being constantly stressed ain't it. Stress shouldn't rule your life. I encourage you to carve out a few minutes each day to pause and reset. Whether it's through mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply zoning out with a good book, find what helps you unwind and make it a daily ritual. Trust me, your mind (and your sanity) will thank you.
Catch More Zzz's
We live in a world where burning the midnight oil seems like a badge of honor. But sacrificing sleep is a one-way ticket to Burnout City. So, prioritize sleep as much as you are able. I know some things may be out of control, but focus on what you can control. Create a bedtime routine, cut the amount of time you spend scrolling on social before bed, and aim for at least 6 hours a night. 
You got this!

Whenever you are ready, here are three ways I can support you:
Have a great week!
Ariel Belgrave, CPT
Certified Health & Fitness Coach
Corporate Wellness Strategist
Board Member, Women's Health Mag
Under Armour Athlete
P.S. I encourage you to forward this email to someone who could use this wisdom (sharing is caring!)