Takeover Thursday… 
Destination Boarding with The Scots College, Sydney
We're approaching our live Expo season and this year we've over 70 schools exhibiting with us at our events in NSW, Queensland and Victoria. 
It's giving me pause for thought. What does a boarding school look like in 2024? Just a generation or two ago it was more often the case that a school had boarders as a ‘side gig’ so to speak, a ‘school with boarding’.
Now we find that schools are truly boarding schools - schools that embrace their boarders, that grow their boarder numbers and schools that know the very essence of their culture and spirit begins in the boarding house.
The Scots College is one such School in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs. With one in five of their students in Middle and Senior School being a boarder, they understand that their boarding community is vital to the pulse of the College.
Discover more about The Scots College through their takeover today.
PS To discover everything The Scots College are sharing, each topic below is actually a clickable link to their website and virtual tours. Try them out!

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Thank you to The Scots College, Sydney, NSW for showing us around their innovative school. As always, enjoy the resources on our website helping you and your family make decisions about boarding school & supporting you once you’re there. 
We acknowledge that the land on which we work and live is the traditional land of the Wiradjuri and Wangaaypuwan peoples of the Wiradjuri Nation.
 We pay our respects to Elders past and present and extend that respect to all First Nations people.