Hi First name / My Rising Vibe friend, 🤗
Top o' the afternoon to you, my dear friend! 🍀
Wishing you a bright and cheerful St. Patrick’s Day, sending some Irish luck and good cheer your way! 🌈💚
"May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow and may trouble avoid you wherever you go.”
Last Friday, I had an engaging chat with my hairstylist, Sarina, which offered unexpected inspiration for this week’s newsletter. Sarina and I often indulge in discussions about astrology, spirituality, and energy healing—shared passions that always lead to interesting ideas.
During our conversation, I realized that Sarina is a valuable resource for understanding women's thoughts and feelings. With her daily interactions with a diverse clientele, she has a unique perspective on what's on her clients' minds and how they've been feeling. I hadn't started my newsletter yet, and I was considering a few ideas. However, I knew that Sarina would offer some valuable insight into her clients' experiences.
Her response was intriguing. She said, "You know, it's funny you ask. I've been hearing a common theme lately. Everyone seems really tired, but it's a tiredness mixed with excitement. They're exhausted but excited for change." Sarina went on to mention how many of her clients were choosing lighter hair shades and bold cuts—a clear sign of their desire to try something new.
It made perfect sense since, I've been feeling the same way, especially since last Sunday's time change. Plus, I recently opted for a few blonde highlights to lighten things up for myself too!
Spring is certainly around the corner; you can feel it. 
This week, we enter the Spring Equinox and a new astrological year. Aries, fearlessly leading the way with determination and infectious energy, will kick off a new zodiac cycle on March 20th, giving us a fresh start. So, if your New Year's resolutions went out the window (mine did for sure), no worries! Aries season is here to give you a reboot and energize you for new beginnings.
As winter fades away and the seasons shift, it's normal to feel unsettled. Winter has been a time of self-reflection, urging us to turn inward and examine the deeper parts of ourselves. But as spring emerges, so does curiosity, creativity, and clarity.
Spring is a great time to get clear on what you want to see grow in your life.
You may feel a sudden surge of motivation to try something new or start a new project. Whether it's decluttering your space, trying out a new hobby, or planning your next adventure, embrace this time to step out of your comfort zone and breathe new life into your routine.
Tap in and listen to your intuition. What new ideas are calling out to you?
What feels exciting that will ignite that child-like spirit within you?
Let’s embrace the upcoming vibrant energy of spring, channel the boldness of Aries, and cultivate the courage to try something new. 🌼
One more Irish quote before I close…..
"Here's to good Irish friends—never above you, never below you, always beside you.”
….. until next time many many sweet blessings.
Love + Wellness to You!
p.s. Want to share the love? Forward this to a friend so they can join in. 
You rock!



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