Let us prepare for a holy Easter…
Known as Black Week, the Great Week, the Week of Mourning, Laborious Week, the Week of Salvation, or most often, Holy Week, this week comprises the final days of Lent.
Though this week maintains the themes of Lent, it calls forth from us more – more devotion, more prayer, more penitence, more gratitude – as we journey towards the cross, that vivid and painful image of the reckoning for our sin.
In a mere six days, Holy week manages to whiplash between the high-highs of Palm Sunday and the low-lows of Good Friday. To shepherd us through this rollercoaster of feeling and experience, the Church has developed a special set of themes and services to draw us near to the Lord and prepare our hearts to celebrate the resurrection.
Holy week includes:
- Palm Sunday - we celebrate Jesus's triumphal entry into Jerusalem
- Holy Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (sometimes known as “Spy” Wednesday) - we remember the anointing of Jesus' feet, the temple cleansing, and Judas' deal to betray Jesus
- Maundy Thursday - we remember the Last Supper, Christ washing his disciples' feet, and his agony in Gethsemane
- Good Friday - we bear witness (in our hearts) to the crucifixion and death of Jesus
- Holy Saturday - Jesus rests in the tomb and we wait