5 things I wouldn't do as an Orthopedic and Women's health Physical Therapist 
I would never ignore the importance of strength training. Resistance based exercise improves bone health, increases metabolism, promotes longevity and injury prevention. Incorporate at last 3-4 days a week of strengthening based exercise. 
I would not practice “just in case” urination regularly. You know the good old idea of just using the bathroom before heading out the door, just because. This habit promotes increased urinary frequency and urgency , and eventually can cause bladder dysfunction. I suggest checking in with yourself before leaving the house, and if you don't actually need to urinate, then DON'T. 
I would not sit for prolonged periods of time. Our upper threshold of sitting tolerance should be around 45-60 minutes. Extended sitting can cause poor circulation , muscle imbalances and several studies found a correlation with prolonged sitting and early mortality. 
I would absolutely not rely on laxatives or stool softeners to address chronic constipation. Promoting better gut health and microbiome through dietary changes or modification along with getting assessed for pelvic floor dysfunction is a much better way to address bowel concerns long term. 
and finally 
I would not disregard mouth breathing, both in adults and children. Day time and nocturnal mouth breathing can cause dental issues, sleep disruption, and a negative impact on our respiratory system. Getting evaluated by an ENT, myofunctional therapist or speech pathologist to address the cause of mouth breathing is recommended. 
I hope you found this helpful, and I'm excited to share many more educational tidbits with you in the coming months. If you find yourself struggling with any one of these issues, feel free to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation to see if working with me would be a good fit. As always, I'm so grateful for your support and love having this opportunity to serve you in the inbox. 

With love—