4 questions to ask yourself
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when assessing your inventory
First name / Friend, Spring is here & the itch is real. If you find yourself with the urge to declutter, tidy & organize but feel stuck in the decision fatigue of it all - then this email is for you! 

Today I am sharing 4 tried & tested questions you can use when assessing your inventory to help you make swift, confident decisions and let go of MORE.
1. Up first is a classic. When is the last time you used it?
I know, I know you've tried this one, right? But you always talk yourself out of letting go of that unused item because it's seasonal, or for a special occasion. Here is the trick… set yourself a timeline & hold firm on it. Depending on how ruthless you want to be, you could use 3 or 6 months as your benchmark. 
Have you used/worn this item in the last 6 months? No? Say goodbye. 
Still reluctant, return it to the closet with the hanger facing the opposite direction then what is natural. Throw a reminder in your calendar for 3 months from now (now I'm being generous) if the hanger is still backwards. It is time to let it go.  If you're working with totes or boxes of inventory you can place a seal and if still sealed at the deadline- it can go!
2. Next up, do you love it?
Joy is elusive. Not all of us know how to find that feeling when assessing a physical item. But love, is accessible for most of us.
Do you love it. 
OR, do you have it because it was a gift, it was on sale, you loved it at one time but now you feel guilty because it was money spent. 
If you don't love it, consider letting it go. That item can be loved & used to it's full potential by someone else. Don't you want that for it
3. If you lost this item today, would you re-buy it?
This is hands down my most effective prompt for clients struggling to assess their inventory. Not only does it challenge us to assess the value we place on it, today - but it also has us abandoning the what ifs that pop up during decluttering efforts. 
Bonus, this also works well with kids & teens - if you lost this item today, would you re-buy it with your own money/allowance?
4. Last but not least, could someone get more use out of this, than me?
Is that item dying a slow dusty death on a shelf in an upper cupboard? Let it go! Resale programs are such an incredible way to extend the life of our stuff, save our landfills, and empty our homes of all that visual clutter. If it is dusty, hard to reach, hasn't been used in over 6 months, wasn't used last applicable season, or has NEVER been used but was a well intended gift - consider the life it can live in the home of someone looking right now, for that exact thing. 
Consider local resale programs like Goodwill, Salvation Army, The Re-Home Store, and Value Village, or if you're up to it - resell yourself on Facebook Marketplace! 
There you have it, 4 hard hitting questions that can help you pair down and lighten the load this Spring. Try them out & be sure to report back - I would love nothing more than to learn which one proved most helpful. Don't be a stranger! 
& before you go, here are some fun updates
  • You're invited to Spring into Ease: Decluttering Secrets To Tame the Chaos & Transform Your Home! A FREE 45 minute webinar taking place on Tuesday April 23rd at 12:15pm EST, hosted by yours truly! Click the button below to sign up & invite a friend! The more the merrier. 
  • If you've tried the DIY method with little to no success, consider tapping us in! We will faciliate the experience from start to finish and help you achieve the results your looking for in just 1-2 sessions. Reply to this email and let's get you booked in for a FREE consult
  • Lastly, I was recently featured on the MomHalo podcast talking all things decluttering, organization & the mental load of our stuff. You can catch the episode here.
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Yours in letting go,