VOL. 9
If you're new here, hiiii! welcome to HDDL's newsletter –
as promised, a dose of FMK and a silly goose story. enjoyyyy.
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“She isn't even qualified for that promotion.
So I told her that… I deserve that job anyway…"
Y'all, when I tell you I gasped. I gusped. I gagged. I gugged
So okay, here's the scene.
I'm sitting in a very empty coffee shop, barely putting on my headphones, when I hear this woman (let's call her Sabo) ranting about how she hustled to sabotage a colleague's promotion.
Here I am, minding my own business… okay, not really, I was definitely ear hustlin'…
Sabo went on and on about how she deserves said job more and “anyway, she's not qualified”, and I couldn't even handle.
Not her trying to GASLIGHT this other woman into not applying for a promotion, and only because she WANTED that job. The yikes I yiked.
It made me so annoyed and angry.
Yes, of course because Sabo was actively bragging about how she was trying to sabotage someone else's growth but also it made me think the girlie-pop that is self-sabotage. 
Being a Sabo to ourselves is kind of wild. Like, if you were me and you heard Sabo going on about this, you would be annoyed, likely pissed. So, why in all hell do we do that to ourselves? 
Sabo was out there, playing dirty to stop someone else’s shine. And likely we're not doing it so backstabby, sabotaging someone else’s career kind of way, but in how we self-sabo our own success and dreams.
  • We'll literally do everything BUT what we actually need to do.
    • You're likely sitting on an ideal mindfield.
    • You've likely held your breath as your launch day passed without launching.
    • You're likely watching everyone else do the thing while you're saving it to a folder of inspo.
    • You've maybe texted your friend your next big idea and they sent back: "👀⏰"
I know. It's heavy boo, trust me, I understand deeply. 
Because I been that girlie. But here's the thing.
It's a mindset shift. 
Not an EASY thing, obvi. 
But that's all it is. 
Let's take a couple of shifts to support chuuuu bringing in a new way to operate:
Perfection is a sneaky bishhhh and the enemy of DONE. Give yourself a beat and acknowledge your progress. Every completed task is closer to DONE. Think about them as tasks not projects.
Watching someone else mf KILL IT while you’re in the weeds of your idea seems inspiring but really, it's just noise. You can get stuck in “inspiration” mode and never surface to execute. I promise you all those Reels you've saved will likely go unwatched (again) so get offline and get into your build. 
Fear is so cute with its little ‘boo’ energy BUT IT'S NOT. She's being all “I'm the voice of reason, here are all the sweet nothings about how you'll probably crash and burn.” BYE. I CAN'T. Recognize those whispers are salty little ghost lies and not actual fact.
Comfort zones can be such a vibe – cozy and warm and so familiar. Like why would you leave? STOP. 🛑 Growth lives on the suburban outskirts of comfort. The City of Growth is calling boo, you answering?
Pick one task you’ve been dodging because it feels TOO BIG, TOO SCARY, or TOO-OUT-THERE. Break it down, and just start. Action annihilates fear 💅🏽 and kick-starts momentum soooo make the move that scares you a bit; it's the remedy to being a Sabo.
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Remember, every time you’re about to talk yourself out of something great, ask yourself if you’re being a SABO. Say it with me: DON'T BE A SABO. Instead, be the woman who applied AND got the job anyway.
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FUCK 🍯: Okay this miggghhttt be early in our relationship but I FUCKKKK with y'all. It's only been NINE WHOLE newsletters and I've never received MORE responses, replies and shout-outs. I just, ya girl is beaming, mole-to-mole. Thank you for sharing, making convos with me, and fr cosigning this. I hadn't done a newsletter for my business as a form of connection (ever) and I have to say, it's changed the game for me. So, TYSM TYSM TYSM. Big hug to your face. 🪞
MARRY 💍: Yo. Pinterest has got it. I feel there's a lot of Pinterest haters in the marketing community but I think that's because they aren't sure how to utilize it. And that's fine, go off, that's not what this is about. When Pinterest decided to listen to consumer engagement and make search so user-friendly (HIIIII filter by size, season, style, etc) while also maintaining cultural relevancy (hello 🔮Manifestation Coachella), you can't help but wonder why everyone isn't ranting and raving about Pinterest possibilities. Also, this line “Gen Z's curating every aspect of their lives down to their identity." 💡
KILL 🔪: There were 15K more layoffs in February. That brings our total to 50K jobs GONE in 2024. Just let it sink in. That's 30% of 2022's layoffs (FOR THE YEAR!). If you're in a job strictly for stability, let this KILL be a reminder that it isn't that. And if you know you're not in this to be a careerist, it's time for a reconsideration. Time to consider if you need to KILL the concept that jobs are stable and your ideas aren't. 👀
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See you next week.
Head Coach,