For it is in giving that we receive.
St. Francis of Assisi
Thank you
Well, I made it!
Never have I ever felt so full.
Full of your frequency through thoughts and prayer. 
It was electrifying. 
Prayer felt like Reiki in action.
And so it is!

My surgery, through your prayers and my remarkable surgical team, felt like I took a nap in the fountain of youth- I feel fantastic!

The staff at Queen of the Valley embody the generosity of hospitality;
A quilt of warmth, stitched together with care exuding from their core working as one. 
Naturally, I brought some La Saison almonds the morning of to share with the surgical team. It was a small ‘gift’ for what I was about to receive. 
Which made me think about the dance between giving and receiving. 
Some of us are natural givers.
I give compliments whenever I have a nice thought no matter where I am or who it is toward. 
Where as, receiving a compliment is an entirely different conversation! 
It has taken me years to pause in order to receive the gift of someone's kindness in a momentary message. 
Where do you lean the majority of the time?
Giver? Receiver? Neither are better, however both are essential. 
The intersection where they meet seems to be the goal!
At least this is what it felt like to give and receive in the same moment;
A spark that lit something greater into motion…
The first night after my surgery, I had this moment with my mom where she ‘caught my thought’ which led to writing during the wee hours of the night a children’s book entitled, ‘You caught my thought’! 
It’s based on the principle and power behind being present and was really prompted by the prayer I felt pumping through me from you!
As always, there is so much more but this is my message for today. 
Thank you. 
I cherish the space held this past week and the months leading up to now.

Your support has been proof that science and spirit co exist. 
Quite blissfully actually.  
Both are essential. 
And if you know of any artist or illustrator, let me know! 
Excited to continue to make some real good lemonade with these lemons;)
Natalie Niksa