Hi First name / friend,
There are a lot of new names on this list! To welcome those who have just joined and thank those who have stuck with us, we're sharing Three Ways to Kickstart Your Creativity, a resource guide that includes:
  • What creativity is and why it matters.
  • An overview of the brain science behind our training and how it differs from traditional methods.
  • Three starter exercises to boost your creativity and help you develop the resilience to lead your best life.
We spent the winter burrowing into work and spending time with our families. Now, we plan to show up in your inbox every week, providing actionable, narrative-based tips and insights so that the Just Bloom Storythinking Method can help you become a more creative leader, professional, and parent.
Next week, we'll introduce the first of five daily practices that will launch you into building your creative life.
In the meantime, here's Angus's recent Ohio State TEDx talk where he explains how the plot twists in your story can help you overcome adversity.
Thank you for being here,
Sarah & Angus
If you can think new stories, you can live new stories.