Hey, First name / friends!
The #CreateWithCatCoq submissions from the past few weeks have been incredible! I love that we're getting to create together and build portfolios filled with trend-forward artwork. Here are a few of the submissions from the racquet sports challenge two weeks ago! 
#CreateWithCatCoq - Axolotl
Last week, we drew a seasonal trend - bunnies! This week, we're going to be doing another animal challenge, but this time, it's a hot trend - Axolotls! 
You may be thinking, “Umm, did a cat just walk over your keyboard? What IS that?!” 
I first heard of axolotls when I was traveling in Mexico. Here are a couple interesting facts about these funky-looking amphibians:
1. Regeneration Abilities: Axolotls have remarkable regenerative abilities. They can regenerate not only their limbs but also their jaws, spinal cord, and even parts of their brain! This makes them a subject of great interest in the field of regenerative medicine.
3. Axolotls are native to only one place in the world: Xochimilco Lake in Mexico City. Unfortunately, their habitat is under threat due to urbanization, pollution, and invasive species. As a result, axolotls are classified as critically endangered in the wild, though they are commonly bred in captivity for research and as pets.
I've started to see illustrations of them popping up in the surface design world, specifically in kids' products, so I thought this would be a fun and unique challenge for this week. 
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Share your axolotl design on Instagram with the hashtag #CreateWithCatCoq and tag me @catcoq so I can like, comment, and share your work!
Free Art Business Course!
The Artist's Side Hustle
The Artist's Side Hustle starts TODAY! Register for free here and save your seat!
Did you know that my brand, CatCoq, actually started as a side hustle? Yep! Back in 2014, I was working full time as a graphic designer at an agency. In my free time, I painted vibrant watercolor paintings to stay connected to my love of illustration. 

I started sharing my paintings on Instagram, and eventually people started to ask if they could buy them. I uploaded a few designs to Society6 and slowly started to pick up momentum. My Society6 store led to art licensing opportunities, which led to teaching classes, which led to growing my audience, which led to me signing an agent, which led to …you get the picture. 
This all transpired over the course of many years, but it all began with taking a small, brave step to start my side hustle.
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My humble beginnings. We all start somewhere!
If you want to start or grow your art business, my friend Stacie Bloomfield is hosting a free week-long mini course called The Artist’s Side Hustle where you’ll learn how to realistically make an income with your artwork (even if you’re super busy!).
Stacie is not only an incredibly talented artist, but she’s also a powerhouse businesswoman whose strategies have built her company, Gingiber, from a side hustle Etsy shop into a seven-figure company.
That’s the power of starting a side hustle. Whether it’s an Etsy shop or a few designs on Society6, we ALL start somewhere. And you’ll never grow if you don’t start! 
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Don't forget to share your axolotl illustrations on Instagram with the hashtag #CreateWithCatCoq! I can't wait to see what you make. 
Have a fabulous week!
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I'm a proud affiliate of Stacie’s programs, which means if you enroll in any of her paid courses, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. ☺️
P.S. Not interested in this mini course? No problem! I only want to send you emails you care about! Click “Manage Preferences” below to mute future emails about this mini course but stay on my list for regular newsletters and updates. 👇